Chapter Three

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As I approach the pack house I hear the chatter and music inside, the food all smells so delicious. "We should definitely find food."
Navi states as my mouth starts to water.

"Good idea." I open the door to the house and there are hundreds of people. They all stop and look at me. "Um we were supposed to come here right?"

"I think so, why are they all starting?"

"I have no idea." At that moment Alpha Jacob and Luna Alia walk to me my heart rate increase's instantly. I bow my head and don't make eye contact as this is a sign of challenge to the Alphas.
"You've shifted already?" Luna Alia questions.

"yes Luna my shift was successful me and my wolf Navi even went for a run to the edge of the territory before returning." I say unsure of what is going on.
"Incredible." Alpha Jacob mumbles.

"Have I made a mistake?" I ask my voice laced with confusion.

"No, we've just never seen someone go through the change so quickly. The process normally takes hours and normally would require assistance changing back into human form. We have never heard of something like this." Alia says.

"Come with us." Jacob says turning and leading me through the crowd, we enter a hallway that leads to a staircase. Proceeding down the flights of stairs until we reach what seems like a cellular. It's a large open space with concrete floors and walls.

"Ok Persephone, we would like you to shift we will turn and give you privacy if you'd like to take your cloths off as to not ruin them." Alia states.

"They don't believe you shifted" Navi tells me a bit of bitterness in her voice.

"Okay." I pull the dress up over my head and remove my underwear folding them neatly and setting them down I close my eyes and take a deep breath, imagining myself in wolf form. When I open my eyes I've shifted effortlessly. I let out a whimper as to let them know I'm done.

"Good Moon Goddess." They say in unison mouths agape and eyes wide. "Persephone, have you seen yourself yet?" Alia asks before I shake my head no. "One moment, stay with her darling." She turns and runs up the stairs before quickly returning with a small hand held mirror.

She slowly walks to me and holds the mirror up to my face and I see what has them in awe. I have raven black fur and stunning gold eyes. My eyes dart to her's and then quickly back to my reflection. Her eyes gloss over and she mind links me. "Persephone, you're mated to an alpha. How you shifted so quickly is still a mystery but this fact surly affected your transformation." My mind was racing with questions but the biggest one, the one I've had my whole life who is my mate?

"Alright so how do I find my mate?" I ask through mind link.

"Well all but 5 packs are here but if he was here you surely would have smelt him. Go ahead and get dressed we will see you upstairs." Alpha Jacob says before wrapping his arm around the Luna and walking upstairs.

Shifting back into human form I quickly get dressed and make my way back to the party. I'm still trying to completely process the events that have just occurred. I wonder around the house trying to find my dad and karriana, when I remember that I can mind link my dad so I do.
"Dad where are you I have important news."

"We are in the game room by the pool table. Wait you're done shifting already?" He asks with a very confused tone.

"I'll explain in a minute." I reply headed toward the game room. Once I get there I immediately spot them and walk to where they are playing pool. " hey hon, that was super fast how did it go? You made the shift right?" My father questions.

"Yes dad, I did and that's not all." I exclaimed before filling him in on the events that transpired.


I button up my pants and slide my shirt over my head and toss her skirt to her and leave the room. "I really wish you'd stop sleeping with other bitches." My wolf Mars growls "I've accepted the fact that we don't have a mate. The Moon Goddess has cursed us for our fathers actions, give it up already." I make my way out of the house and into my 69 Chevy impala. I put the key in the ignition and start it up, the engine purrs like a kitten.

After an hour drive I pull into my driveway and prepare myself for the dread that I'll feel as I always do when coming home. I walk up the stairs and into the house. "Paula be a dear and bring my dinner to my room, I don't feel like eating with the pack tonight."

"Yes sir." She replies heading straight to the kitchen.

I climb up the stairs and go into my room I dim the lights and turn the tv on, flipping through Chanel's before changing it to Spotify and playing some music. I walk into the bathroom and strip my clothes off. looking in the mirror, my body is covered in scars from battles over territory, my eyes red from exhaustion. I turn the shower on as hot as it will go and pull the whiskey out from under the sink, gulping down half the bottle before putting it back. I get under the scolding water, finally feeling something for the first time all day the pain makes me smile. "At least I'm capable of feeling something." I think to myself before washing my body and hair.

After a good 30 minutes in the shower I get out and dry my self off. I pull the bottle out and drink the rest. I wrap the towel around my waist and walk to my dresser pulling out a pair of boxers and putting them on. I climb into bed and flip the tv to some documentary about the occult. I soon hear Paula softly knock at the door. I get up and open it, she bows her head and wheels in my dinner next to my bed. "Thank you Paula, don't worry about getting it all tonight. I'm ready for bed, don't let anyone disturb me."

"Yes sir, one more thing sir I was told to let you know the sawtooth mountain pack is having a coming of age ceremony tonight and 20 packs are no longer in their territory. I have a list of all the attending packs it's under your drink on the tray, they won't be returning for another day or two." With that she quietly hurries out of the room shutting the door behind her.

"Our mate could be there! What if she is just shifted and we aren't there what if-"

"Enough with that we do not have a mate!" I cut him off.

"We will claim territory tomorrow this will be like taking candy from a baby." I say out loud to myself before mind linking my warriors to prepare to fight at high noon. I eat my dinner and slide under my comforter slipping into a nightmare filled slumber.

"Preston." a soft angelic voice calls my name it sounds so far away. "I'm here!" I yell hoping to find the person the voice belongs to. "Preston I'm here, help me I'm here!" The voice calls. Then as if walking through mist I see the outline of a tall, slender woman walking to me. "I'm right here follow my voice" I say as I start running to her. She gets closer and closer till she is right in front of me she has forest green eyes and a heart shaped face that her amber hair perfectly frames. "Mate" Mars says before she vanished like smoke.

I sit up out of bed sweat rolling down my face.
"We have a mate!"
"I told you so" Mars snarkly replies "we have to find her. We need her." I say before jumping out of bed and informing the pack that there's been a change of plans.

Persephone's P.O.V
"So you're going to be a Luna?" Karriana squeaks
"Yes it would seem that way." My mind and body is exhausted from all the excitement "I think I'm ready to go home this has all just been a bit much." I sigh.
"But don't you want to see if your mate is here?" Karriana protests.
"If he were here they would have found one another by now. she would be able to smell him a mile away." My father replies "I will speak with the Alpha tomorrow and ask for him to arrange a meeting with the packs. If I'm remembering correctly only 2 of the 5 not in attendance meet the criteria."
"Can I go too?" Helena looks at my dad with puppy eyes.
"I don't see why not. For now let's get home and get some rest we've got some traveling to do."

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