Chapter Six

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Persephone P.O.V
       I hear someone talking when I come to. I feel weak, my hands are bound behind my back. I'm laying on a sofa. My eyes flutter open and I can see that I'm in a jet, a man with broad shoulders and brown hair sets next to me in a recliner. When he notices that my eyes are open, he immediately puts a rag over my mouth. I am once again engulfed in darkness.

Rodney's P.O.V
       it's been 5 hours since Persephone has gone missing. We have no idea who took her and we have no idea where she could be. My heart is broken, I am a failure and a disappointment. Who lets their daughter be taken, how could I let this happen? I promised I would never let anything bad happen to her. If ellika were here she would know exactly what to do. She would burn the world down to find her little girl.

       "Rodney, we have gotten word that there was a private jet that touched down in Colorado early this morning, it then immediately followed your flight here to Pittsburgh." Alpha zenith informed me.

"Well? Who was it? What do we have? I need something! Anything!" My wolf Xavier is furious, it takes all I have in me not to let him go on a rampage.

"The jet was registered to Alpha Preston of the Silver Hide Pack." Even being an Alpha, his voice lowered In telling me this information. I could no longer hold Xavier back. In a split second I was in wolf form and I was out for blood.

Preston's P.O.V
I stayed in the cabin of my jet the entire flight, it was not easy. I wanted nothing more than to wake her and claim her. I knew that wouldn't be fair, so I've stayed away. I'll stay away until she is awake and able to tell me she wants me too.

I made sure her room was stocked with everything she could possibly need. She even has a master bath. That way if she chooses, she doesn't have to leave her room. I've been staying busy. Getting the library back into shape in case she likes to read, going to the falls just a mile from the house and installing an outdoor shower and a bench to enjoy the view. I want her to love it here to love me.

Persephone's P.O.V
I awoke in a soft bed. My head was throbbing, I tried to set up but my wrist was handcuffed to the head board. The cuffs were padded so it wasn't causing any pain. My kidnapper was thoughtful at least. I move closer to the head of the bed and got into sitting position. There is a liter water bottle setting on the nightstand next to me along with 2 ibuprofen 800.

"Wow, whoever took us really seems nice!" Navi's voice thundered through my head causing ruthless pain.

"Jesus Christ Navi! Shhhhhh!" I thought quietly to her. I grabbed the ibuprofen and popped them both into my mouth then chased them with the water. It was so good my body instantly felt less groggy and sore. I took a minute to look around the room. The walls were white with gold veins running through them, the bed I sat on had gold colored satin sheets and a velvety emerald green duvet. It was a beautiful bed that had a gold frame and canopy cover, the top was black silk that cascaded down each post and was tied so you could close it together like curtains.

I could see 3 doors but I'm not entirely sure what one is the exit. I pulled the drawer of the nightstand out where I found a book that's cover read, "A Kiss Worth a Thousand Words" The cover was of a man and woman holding each other under a street lamp.

Next to it was a leather bound book with DIARY in gold lettering, I pulled it out and opened it. The interior cover had a note that read,
"To my mate, I am so sorry I had to do this. I know this isn't how you pictured us meeting. I know you've heard the stories of how demented my pack is but I am begging you, please give me a chance to prove that I'm not all that bad. That the big bad wolf is capable of love. Sincerely Alpha Preston."

The Devils Queen Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora