Chapter Seven

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A/N content in this chapter is strictly 18yrs or older as there is explicit sexual content. It will start with *** so you may skip it. Please vote comment and feel free to leave criticism. Much love I hope you enjoy!!
Persephone P.O.V
       My eyes fluttered open, the smell of my mate reminded me of where I was. His arm was possessively wrapped around my waist. I felt safe, but the nagging feeling in my gut made me sick. He is responsible for thousands of deaths. The reason hundreds of packs lost their loved ones and homes. How, why would the Moon Goddess mate me to him? I was so afraid, yet so happy. I rolled over to face him. He took a deep breath and pulled me closer to his muscular chest, I could feel the heat radiating off him. His facial features were soft but he was clenching his teeth and his brow was furrowed causing a crease to form between his eyebrows. He started huffing, obviously having a bad dream. I leaned in and whispered in his ear.

      "Preston, wake up." Faster than I could blink, he had rolled us over and his hands were wrapped around my throat.  I gasped and pleaded to him with my eyes. The angry look on his face instantly turned to horror. He jumped off of me and stared at his hands a moment, looking confused and sad. He brought his eyes to mine and the look of sorrow crossed his face.

      "Oh my god, Persephone I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you?" He let out a pained growl.

      "Why am I such a monster?Ahh!" He let out a frustrated grunt.

      "I'm so sorry, I didn't realize it was you baby please, please forgive me I am so sorry!" I had pulled myself into sitting position and pulled my knees to my chest. He sat at the edge of the bed, his eyes caught my attention they were welled up with tears. What was fear turned to understanding, he genuinely cared.

       "Come here." I crossed my legs and reached both arms out to him. He hesitated, but crawled up and onto the bed laying his head in my lap. I sat there stroking his hair it was soft and curled around my fingers.

      "I don't want you to get upset but I need to ask you a question." I was scared shitless but I needed to ask him.

       "Why would I get upset?" He asked setting up and holding my hands in his own.

       "I need to let my family know I'm safe, they need to know I'm ok. Please my sister is probably having a mental break and my father is probably planning to kill everything in his wake." I spoke quickly and stared into his icey blue eyes. He sat and pondered a moment before speaking.

      "They will come to kill me, when they discover that you're here. His face was hard and I could see fear behind his eyes. "They may disown you for accepting me as your mate." I knew in my heart that there was that chance, but I couldn't just let them live in wonder.

      "That is a risk I'm willing to take, as for them trying to kill you. I'd disown my family before letting that happen." I could see the pride behind his small grin. "Preston who were you dreaming about?" The grin fell from his face and his features turned hard. He sighed and hung his head.

      "I was dreaming of the day my father murdered my mother. I was 15 when it happened. I have nightmares about it occasionally. He kills her in front of me, I jump on him strangling him. He shifts and pins me down and right before he rips my throat out, I wake up." I give his hands a squeeze and process what he's told me.

       I pull him up to me and he cradles me into his arms. I can feel him breathing in my scent. "I'm so sorry you went through that. My mother died when I was 5. Someone set fire to our house, my father was out on business. I remember waking in my room, the smoke was heavy and I could see my sister hiding under her blankets. I threw the window open flames were pulled under the door, luckily our room was not on the second story. I pulled karriana into my arms and pushed her out the window and followed. My mother didn't make it out her body was unrecognizable huddled next to her bedroom door."  The tears streamed down my cheeks as I began to sob uncontrollably.

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