Chapter one

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       The light from the window flooded the room, igniting the serene paintings that hang on the walls. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and placed her feet on the plush carpet enjoying the soft fibers.

Making her way into the bathroom she turned on the shower, and brushed her teeth while waiting for the water to warm, quickly getting under the comforting stream. "Mmm finally."

It was time to prepare, the ceremony was less than 24 hours away and there was still much to be done, despite that her nerves were calm. She had spent 18 years of life waiting and finally, it was here. By this time tomorrow, her whole life would change.

The first shift was the most excruciating. Though she knew that she should be nervous, there was nothing but calm in her mind. Taking a good amount of time applying the makeup to her face, thinking about what her wolf may look like. Will she be brown, red maybe.

Pausing to take a look into the mirror at her flaming red hair framing her mothers heart shaped face. Her fathers emerald green eyes glistening like stars from under her dark thick eye lashes.

-Knock-knock -

The door cracked a bit. "can I come in?"
Her younger sister karriana asked timidly.

"Yeah! Just finishing up my face!" Her sister entered softly into the room.

"Are you nervous? I'm nervous for you." She said with a bubble in her voice.

Glancing at her through the mirror. Persephone couldn't help but wonder what her sisters wolf would look like as well, Karriana has soft blonde hair and bright green eyes. Shes only 16 and shes about 5 foot 2 inches tall.

"I'm surprisingly calm. I dont know why. I know I should be nervous, but for some reason I just feel.. comfort?"

"Hmmm. Have you thought what your wolf might look like?" She said tilting her head in question.

"I imagine her being brown with blonde highlights, but no wolf is predictable." I said not knowing what else to say.

"What if shes white?" Karriana let a smile rise to her face. I quickly stood turning to meet her eyes. Staring deeply into them

"You know the fates only make future alphas black or white wolves. I would never be able to fill such shoes." Her gaze went to the floor briefly before she looked back to me. I finished getting ready in silence, then we got in the car and headed for the mall.

Once we got to the mall, we wandered a bit. Every shop we stopped at had nothing but prom dresses and wedding dresses, not the attire designed for this occasion. We had just one place left to look we'd been scouring the mall for at least 2 hours.

Walking into a boutique they had knickknacks, jewelry, clothes, artwork, anything you wanted they had it. We set the bags of accessories we had acquired down on a bench to scavenge for the perfect dress.

The rack was snug with hangers so I just pulled at the ones with my size and finally, after what felt like an eternity of searching we found the most beautiful dress. It was a blue green supple spaghetti strap with a elastic waist and bandanna skirt that was light and fitting.

Karriana glanced at me to see what I'd found and her eyes lit up "it's perfect!" A smile rose to my face and I was more excited than ever to put the dress on. We checked out after picking up a few more odds and ends, and drove home.

We got back home just a little past 8 p.m. and my feet were beyond tired. I took my things into my room and set the bags on the bed. I walked into the bathroom to remove my makeup and brush my hair and teeth.

We had eaten dinner at the mall and I was more than ready to go to bed. I slipped out of my clothes and into an oversized T-shirt and a pair of shorts. As I climb into bed there was only one thing on my mind while submerging into sleep. "Who will my mate be?" the darkness cradled me into a deep slumber.

The next day after my morning routine, I went down the stairs to the kitchen to find some breakfast. My father Rodney, the alphas beta and his best friend Keith, who is average height. set at the kitchen island, his curly brown hair cheffing up the collar of his red flannel shirt that hugged his biceps, chatting about what our alpha needed done that day to prepare for the ceremony. There are several other teens in the pack that will join the ceremony, we will all get to meet our wolf and the Luna and Alpha will bestow our blessings from the Moon Goddess. Then there will be a party where most of us will meet our mates, this is not a small task for my father who must make sure the ceremony is magical and enchanting for those coming of age.

      "Good morning dad! Keith." I say politely headed to the fridge for a breakfast smoothie. "Hey hon you ready for the celebration! Excited to meet your wolf?" My dad has been waiting 18 years for this moment and I could tell he was extremely excited for me.

"She should be anxious." Keith said a smug smirk on his face. He has known me my whole life, he is more like an uncle to me than just a family friend.

"Har har." I glare at him with a smile and side eye. "How can I be anxious? I'm about to finally feel complete and possibly meet my mate, so excited is definitely the word I'd use."  My fathers smile diminishes at the mention of a mate.

"Persephone," his voice gets serious " I really don't want you to get your hopes up, there is no promise of a mate it could take ye-"

"Dad no, no negative thoughts I'm perfectly aware that there is that chance." He shakes his head and drops the subject.

     "You are just like your mother." His eyes lighting up at the thought of her, she died when I was young she was everything I could ever hope to be and more.

"Thanks dad I know how big of a compliment that is." Grabbing my smoothie off the island I give him a kiss on the cheek and head to my room. Sitting down in front of my vanity I turn the lights on and take a moment to look at myself. My strawberry brown hair cascades down over my shoulders stopping mid breast, my skin is velvety and light in tone, my eyes are forest green with golden rings around the Iris and sparkle with the light. My heart shaped face and wide eyes make me look like a child, and to think in just hours all of it will change so I take it in.

With a deep breath I start preparing my makeup, keeping my face as natural as I can I add a simple, light pink shade to my eye lids which make my green eyes pop, a light coat of mascara and some lip balm then I start my hair. Pulling it into an elegant bun, I add a hair pin that was my mothers, along with some other light jewelry my sister and I picked up shopping. I slip the dress over my head and it's beautiful it's green blue colors shimmer, outlining my figure I pair some black ballerina flats. I take one last look in the mirror for a split second, I see my mother looking back with a proud smile.

Despite keeping it simple. time seems to have fast forwarded the light is fading through the window. I look at the clock that says 5:15 p.m. I must have gotten lost in holding onto my youth. Because it's time, my stomach growls, I slip out of my room and to the glass door that will take me to my next chapter. I go to open it and that's when the nerves hit me

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