Chapter two

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The flutters in my stomach make me want to vomit, a wave of anxiety rushes through me. My mind is racing, I pull myself together and slide the door open, i begin to walk down the path to where the ceremony is held. The dim fairy lights strung through the trees give me a much needed sense of calmness.

       I can hear talking, laughter and music growing louder and louder, but somehow, I can still hear my heart pounding in my chest. As i arrive i am greeted by my sister and father. They look me up and down, my sister is crying. This may be the last night we have together in our home, my father pulls me into a tight hug and kisses the top of my head.

       " You look so grown up." He says with a lump in his throat. I've seen this place hundreds of times before but something about tonight makes it feel like the first time. The sun is almost all the way set and the lights strung above the round, colorful, stone mosaic patio, give it an array of beautiful colors. Pinks, purples and grays. The patio is lined with tall thick oak trees. I look to my left and there is a long table full of food and beverages.

       My stomach audibly growls at the sight. " Oh gosh you should eat, wouldn't want to be starving while meeting your wolf. Wolves get very hangry." My father joked.

      " I'll go get you a plate." He turns and walks to the table. My gaze reverts back to my sister who has tears streaming down her face.

      "Oh Seph, I can't believe you are getting your wolf I can't wait to meet her. There are 20 packs here tonight from around the country, think he's with one? Your mate?"  The anxiety in my chest escalated with her question.

      "I really hope so, c'mon bring it in." I said pulling her into a tight hug. "No matter what happens you will always be my little sister. I promise even if I do find him and get swept away, I will keep in touch and be here for your ceremony."  I felt her tension defuse as I reassured her.

        "Ok hon, eat up you're going to need strength for the change." My father said handing me a plate with 3 steak and shrimp kabobs, 2 crab cakes and a half of a cold cut finger sandwich.

        We walked to a bench seated in front of the stage, where I will stand with the Luna and get my blessing. I started devouring the delicious food on my plate. By the time I was finished eating the sun had set, so I knew it would happen soon. I rushed my plate to the plate hop and quickly returned to my seat. The music stopped playing and I knew it was time.

Everyone made their way to their seats and Alpha Jacob and Luna Alia made their way to the stage. "Hello everyone it is a beautiful night to bestow blessings." Her powerful voice flowed through the air like magic. "The full blood moon is approaching its position, we now ask that tonight's group make their way to the stage."

My heart thumped hard in my chest as I stood from my seat and made my way to the stage where pack mates joined me. We were each handed a chalice full of red wine that had been blessed by the Moon Goddess.

       "Luna moon goddess, guardian and mother of the Lycans. We come to you for thanks and to receive your blessings, may these young adults serve you well. May they thrive and continue to bless our community, may they fulfill the ultimate destiny you've blessed them with. In the name of the mother Moon Goddess."

       We all know exactly what we need to do, so we drink till our cups are empty and the moon reaches its peak. Setting the chalices down on a platform beside us, we are all fully aware of what is about to happen. There are 20 paths that descend off the main floor all leading to cabins, where we will go alone to shift. 

      "Now pups you will each take a path, go to the cabin lock your doors, take as much time as you need. There will be a button next to the door on the inside, if at any point you need help push it and we will assist you in your shift.  When you've met your wolf, return to the pack house and we will celebrate your rebirth." The Alphas voice oozed with power and made me feel safe and assured.

       Walking off the stage I blew my father and sister a kiss and walked the path. My body temperature raised as my sight and smell intensified, thankfully it was a short walk to my cabin. I opened the door to find there was nothing in the cabin, just a large room with only a large trough full of iced water and a set of clothes. I turn and lock the door, my head started to throb and my body was on fire. I take my clothes off along with all my jewelry, knowing if I don't they will be ruined.  The cool air on my skin feels so good. My hands and feet start first, the bones breaking and grinding puts me in total agony. I let out a scream but it sounds more like a growl. I quickly get into the ice water and it helps with some of the pain, my elbows invert in unison with a loud pop. My back and hips fall into place and like magic, my body is covered in fur.

       "Don't black out, we are almost done you can do this."  The new voice in my head growls. 

      "It hurts so bad I don't think I can take this."

      "You can I'm-"

Her voice fades to black as I lose Consciousness.

      "Wake up, it's over wake up!"  I wake up and the pain is gone, my vision is so intense I can see the grains of wood across the room. My hearing is so intense, I can hear my pack mates agony of shifting along the chatter of the party from the pack house.

      "See not so bad is it? By the way I'm your wolf  Navi, I've been so anxious to finally be a part of you." I jump out of the trough in my new form. I though it would be harder to control but it's easy, like I've done it many times before. I shake off the water and walk to the door.

      "Let's go for a run before we join the party!"

      "I like that idea!" Breaking the door off its hinges, gone into the night running to our hearts content. The ground under foot is damp and soft with moss and fallen leaves. We reach the border of our territory where there is an opening through the trees, a field of flowers and tall grass. We stop and roll in the grass and let out a howl of thanks to the moon before returning to the cabin.

      "Alright Navi it's time to join the party."
Shifting back into human form and putting my dress and accessories back on I made my way to the pack house. Only one thing is on my mind, is he here?

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