I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch

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Song: Gold Rush

The following day, Reputation was in her room, alone, she was actually scared of what might happen if Karma came here, she was the only one who knew her. She knew the girl wanted to come for her, she always wanted Reputation to feel horrible, steal everything from her and of course, she was always manipulating her, Reputation was really naive because of Karma, but when Reputation got picked to be release, Karma's jealousy grew stronger and made Reputation feel horrible for everything that was happening. Rep was thinking about all the scenario that could happen, but someone knock on her door. She got up and opened it, Lover was there, standing in front of her smiling.

"I missed you!" Said Lover happily as she hugged Reputation.

"I missed you too Lov" said Rep neutral

"Are you ok? You seem off" asked Lover with a hint of worry in her voice. Reputation closed the door and sat up. She didn't really want to talk about it, even with Lover.

"Nothing, don't worry about it" said Rep with a smile.

"Are you sure?" Asked again Lover even more worried.

"Yeah yeah, everything's fine, just a little tired" replied Reputation lying

"Oh ok..." Lover knew something was off, but she didn't want to upset the girl, so she stopped asking questions. "I saw online that there was a carnival in town tonight, I was thinking maybe we could go?" Asked Lover excitedly

"Sure!" Replied Reputation, maybe it would set her mind free.

"I was thinking, maybe we could go with Midnights and 1989!" Said Lover

"I mean, if they're ok with it, I don't see why not" replied Rep, she was happy that Lover was feeling happy, it might sound cheesy but she felt in love, she never said that she loved her but she knew she does.

"Let's ask them!" Said Lover excitedly. They got up and went to Midnights room, they knock and 1989 opened the door.

"Lover my girl! I saw on internet that there was a carnival, are you going?" Asked 1989

"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with me Rep and maybe bring Midnights, you know?" said Lover

"I mean I'd love to, I got some tea to tell you, you're not ready" said 1989 whispering the last part. "Midnights, wanna go to the carnival?" Asked 1989

"Sure, only if you're coming though" Said Midnights smirking.

"I don't know what happened between them, and I don't wanna know" whispered Rep to Lover. Lov giggled at her girlfriend's comment. Since it was already dark outside, they decided to drive there, and when they arrived, Lover was mesmerized, her eyes were shining and you could see that she was very happy.

"That's so gorgeous!" Exclaimed Lover

"You're even more gorgeous" whispered Rep to Lover with love in her eyes. They go out of the car, and watched a show people were dancing, singing, and there were a lot of musicians, everything was harmonic. Lover was amazed by what was happening, while Midnights and 1989 were fighting the urge to make out in front of everyone. At the end of the show, a lot of stands opened up, there was food, merch, barbers, tattoo artist, and loads of other stands. But since they hadn't eaten, they searched a nice thing to eat, 1989 wasn't too thrilled about this idea but she played along. They finally decided on pizza, they ordered and waited. They sat with some other people at one table. It was 3 men, they were really nice but kinda overwhelming. When their food arrived, they started eating. They were all enjoying their food except 1989, she tried really hard to eat, and ended up eating a whole slice, Midnights was so proud of her.

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