can I ask you a question?

808 34 59

Song: Question...?

Lover and Reputation were eating pizza in a park, they were laughing like crazy just because Rep spilled some tomato sauce on her white shirt. Everything was perfect, it was a beautiful day, you could smell the sent of flowers, there was a small breeze which made the temperature feel not too hot. The two friends were having endless conversations about anything, no one could bother them. If you were a stranger passing by, you could think that those two were in love. They didn't realize back then, but this moment would forever be engraved in each other's memories, nothing could make this moment fade away.

Reputation slightly opened her eyes, she could feel the agitation around her. Her whole body was aching but all she could do was watch the scene in fear. She knew that she was in an ambulance just by the clothes of the staff. A man was talking to her but she couldn't hear anything, she felt herself passed away as she closes her eyes. In the corner, Lover was crying, her girlfriend was in pain and she couldn't tolerate it. Only one person was able to go in the ambulance with Reputation, naturally Lover offered to go but she felt like it was too much now. When they arrived at the hospital, Rep was rushed into ER. Lover was welcomed to sit in the waiting room where she waited for Speak Now and Folklore. Minutes passed and there was not sign of the couple, Lover was starting to get worried. It's just couple of minutes later that the girls arrived, they had a fear expression on their faces.

"What took you so long? I was worried sick!" said Lover with tears stained on her face

"Sorry, Speak Now and I just had to talk for a bit. This event shook us off" replied Folklore

"That's fair, sorry" said Lover

"Did you tell anyone about the accident?" Asked Speak Now to Lover after a moment of silence

"I did not, I'm too afraid of their reaction" replied Lover

"We should tell them, they deserve to know the truth" said Folklore


18:46 | Lover💗: hello everyone... as you all know Folklore, Speak Now and I left to find Reputation and we now know the truth about Karma. When we arrived at the hotel Rep was staying, she was passed out on the floor. We're in the hospital right now and we know for a fact that Karma did this.

18:47 | 1989🏙: what the hell

18:47 | Midnights💙: are y'all ok tho?

18:47 | Folklore🤍: we're a bit shaken up but we hope Rep's ok

18:47 | Debut💚: how do we know that you're not lying?

18:47 | Evermore🤎: Debut they can't lie about that

18:48 | Debut💚: but, if Karma leaves that mean Beautiful Eyes too💔

18:48 | Fearless💛: this is not the right time, you'll get over it

18:48 | 1989🏙: me and Midnights are going to the hospital

18:48 | Speak Now💜: perfect we're waiting for you two

18:49 | Evermore🤎: **Midnights and I

18:49 | Midnights💙: stfu


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