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293 32 7

I'm gonna show you crazy by Bebe Rhexa

Longest chapter in this book.

Chapter 7

- Well, dinner was a disaster... I embarrassed myself quite a lot. But, that wasn't my top priority at the moment.

I needed to apologize to Ciré.

He had been nothing but good to me, it's just that I was always so cautious all the time and jump to weird conclusions...

I really needed to stop that.

Every time he glanced at me during dinner, as much as how he was chuckling at my misfortune, behind his present amusement, I could see his sadness.

Of course he would be sad, I said I didn't trust him when I know that deep down... I think, deep down... I do.

"Where is the Alpha?" I asked Michealia, the Beta female that greeted him -him alone as if I wasn't there- outside.

She rose an eyebrow in a questioning manner and her voice was laced with suspicion, "Why do you ask?"

I rolled my eyes, "I need to have a word with him."

"He's busy with paper work."

Then she walked away, as if she couldn't sense my anxiety. So, I continued to roam the Pack House, and luckily, I bumped into Røsheda.

"Sîela!" She squealed, "Fancy seeing you around here."

I didn't even know where I was...

"Is there something you need?"

I nodded frantically, "Actually, yeah. Can you tell me where I can find Alpha Ciré?"

Her face deflated and I shifted uneasily on my feet when she rested a hand on my shoulder.

You know that look that someone gives you when they're saying you need help...? Like, you're retarded, go get some help.

"Ahsîela, his room is right beside yours..."

I froze... Really? That's where he is? Right beside me and I... But, it's not like I knew.

I gave a short nervous laugh, then replied, "Thanks, Sheda. This is stupid of me."

She laughed, "Yeah..." Then, she released my shoulder and I walked away, heading back to my room.

It took some time, a good 5 minutes and when I got to my door, I hesitated, but still continued to the door beside mine.

I stopped and stared at it for the longest of times, before finally lifting a hand to knock.

It was soft, almost quiet, so, when no one answered, I sighed and knocked again.

The door opened and I jumped involuntarily, then looked up, straight into the emerald green eyes of my companion.

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