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Tourniquet by Evanescense

Chapter 12

— "I have a lot of people who are willing to watch you for me, you know. Faeries, werewolves... Even the filthy pixies."

    I looked at my sister wordlessly. My lips twitched at the urge to spit in her face and tell her how disgusting she is. She was just too much like father, causing me to dislike her.

    "Wherever you go, I'll know. And once you seem to be getting too comfortable, I'll come and destroy both you and your source, because you don't deserve it and the other is a fool that needs to be rid of."

    I had forgotten that my sister was that much of a psychopath... I was too caught up in the moment.

    'Ciré...' I thought. He was my source.

    Ahsîelî would destroy us both. I couldn't let that happen.

    And at that moment, I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach. It told me that Nika was one of her followers and now she was gone when she got her confirmation.

    It hadn't even been a day good that I was happy. Happiness isn't even the word. It was just a slight giddiness, but now, I was sure it wasn't there.

    I can't stay here. I have to go back to the forest, back to my previous ways and life. Being fearful and vile at the same time.

    "Remember our connection?" She asked once, moving her index finger in a circular motion below her tummy.

    "You'll know when I'm coming for you, sis. You will feel it!" She hissed, leaning closer to my face.

    Then she smiled menacingly and stepped back.

    She waved me off childishly, "Now, run along... And don't ever come back, you abomination." Her voice fell flat when she said the word and it struck me hard.

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