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Hunger by Florence + The Machine

Bonus Chapter 1
The Hunger

4 months later...

"Babe, I think Sonia is hungry."

I look up from my food and give Ciré a hard stare.

"I'm hungry too." I state gruffly, chewing on a carrot stick.

I am so hungry... And tired. Oh, lord! I am exhausted!

Sonia cries at night. Sonia cries at day. She wants to eat, I feed her. Afterwards, she either pukes or poop a big load.

I clean her up, and she sleeps........ It starts all over again, once she wakes up crying.

"Sîela, she's starving." Ciré tells me, as I turn my back to him and I huff.

"How did you know that? Did she tell you?"

"Obviously not, but she's tearing down the whole place."

I turn again with a frown. His eyes are tired and persuasive, and when I listen keenly... I can here her.


My eyes widen and I stand. What the fuck? She's making it sound like we're killing her.

"Oh, my God, Ciré!" I slap him in the chest, "Can't you feed her? There's baby food in the fridge!"

I start towards the room with heavy steps as he mumbles behind me.

"I tried. She won't take it."

"Not even the warm milk?" I question, but keep my eyes straight.

"Not even that." He states.

I march towards the door and the crying gets louder and then a crash sounds. Panicked and confused, I rush over and swing the door open, only to be blown back into the waiting arms of my mate.

Blue-green dust swirls in the room, keeping everything afloat and I am utterly shocked as my eyes meet Sonia's.

She's standing on unstable legs, holding on to the crib for support and her eyes are watery and fierce as she wales.

"Dear goddess." Ciré mutters behind me and I get to my feet.

"Sonia!" I call and she continues to bawl, but lock eyes with me.

"Mamaaaaa!" She cries, and I swear I hear her stomach growl after that.

This is unbelievable!

I try to enter the room, but my feet keep slipping and every minute, I am thrown back.

Ciré ends up catching me and falling over, his back hitting the tiles.

He emits something incoherent when my finger nearly pokes his eye out.

Soon, I have an idea and run to the fridge. I take out all the baby food I have for her and bring them to where Ciré is seated, defeated in the couch.

"What are you doing?" He asks and I shrug, a smile tugging at my lips.

I pick up all flavours of the baby mush or whatever it is, and carry them behind my back.

"Sonia," I say to get her attention and I see her turning her head upwards and sniffing the air.

She looks at me with glistening eyes and her crying dies down, but doesn't stop.

I pull out a packet and read the flavour, before twirling it in front of her face from where I am at the door way, "Apple?"

"Aagh!" She snaps, swinging her left arm sideways and the food flies out of my grip and sails across the living room.

I chuckle nervously, "O...kay." Then I lift another one, Ciré watching attentively.

"Banana?" I question, dangling it.

She stomps her feet on the soft sponge of her bed and cries out, jutting her right hand forward.

The banana packet flies over my shoulder and back into the kitchen.

I am momentarily frozen and Ciré gives me a look that I can't explain.

He just gives me... A look.

I pull the last flavour to the front and show her, "Blueberry?"

"I told you she won't take the baby food." Ciré whines as Sonia jumps hard, screaming.

This packet goes flying like the rest and slams into Ciré's forehead.

"Motherfucker..." He grumbles and I am amused at what he said.

"You really are a motherfucker." I wink and he rolls his eyes while touching the bruised skin between his eyes.

A churning stomach gets my attention again and I sigh harshly.

Sonia starts throwing a tantrum. Grasping the gate of the crib and shaking it as she wales nonstop.

Her toys are flying around, so are some of her furniture and I grab the warm milk from the counter.

Before I can show it to her, it's already gone from my hand and breaking through a glass window.

An expensive glass window.

"What do you want then, Sonia?!" I yell. I can't take it anymore!!!

"Ahsîela, calm down. She's just a-"

"Shut your pie hole, Ciré! This child has gotten on my last nerve!"

He shuts up, but still glares at me as I storm into the room where a fucking wind storm is taking place! And my baby is in the middle of it!

My eyes are ablaze and I keep them focused on the crying midget in her crib. A sponge ball is coming at my face and I slap it away with a huff.

Stupid toys.

When I reach her crib, I grab her beneath the arms and lift her against my chest.

Her voice fades into small whimpers as she stares at me expectantly.

"What do you want to eat?" I ask sternly, but still affectionate and with a small hand she tugs at my blouse and feel my left breast.

Knowingly, I roll my eyes and head out of the room with her in my grasp, everything in her room falling to the ground unpleasantly.

"She wants the titties." I say mockingly to Ciré, who chuckles as I slip down I sleeve of my blouse.

"Save some for me later."

I laugh, "Make sure you go get a condom this time around, you wild animal."

I pull out my swollen breast and she wiggles closer, her warm mouth closing around the nipple and her gum scratching me.

Ciré whines, "A condom? What, you can't handle another one?" He asks referring to Sonia.

"Not when she's still young," I admit, "Maybe 6 years from now."

His eyes widen, "Six years?!"

I roll my eyes at the werewolf. What does he think I am? Some breeding station?

I understand that female werewolves have kids nonstop, but I am no wolf and Sonia is already too much.

I look down at the beautiful baby girl in my arms. Her lids are closed, hiding her mismatched eyes of baby blue and emerald green and I can only hope she doesn't wake up any time soon hungry again.

This girl is vicious.

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