©Π∆¶+£® XV

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B: The song above is some hard core rock music. if you don't like rock, don't listen.

Guys, I don't remember how to count good in roman numerals so whatever you see there, so be it.😩


Trigger Warning: This chapter will be filled with violence, blood, death and war. If you can't take it, skip.

If you think you can take it, Read at your own risk!

Chapter 15

- In a flash, I was by Ciré's side, cradling his head to my chest.

He coughed and spluttered, blood seeped from the corner of his lips and I tilted his head so that he didn't choke.

He might have survived the attack because of him being an Alpha, but he was still severely injured... A lot of broken bones I may say.

"Sîela..." He spoke and I gave him all my attention.

God, I wish I could heal him!

His state angered me. He wasn't even suppose to be here!

He coughed again, then wheezed and that's when my eyes widened in realization. He wasn't healing...

The whole severity of his situation was finally noticed and my thoughts went wild.

Why isn't he healing? Is something wrong? H-He'll die if he doesn't heal.


"Sîela, focus!" He pin pointed, forcing himself to shout at which he broke into a coughing fit.

Reluctantly, I healed his voice box to hear him out.

"She's too strong." He said, my hands visibly shook on his chest.

His words hit me hard and I was still panicking from his state.

"What should I do then?" I asked. My voice trembled with overflowing emotions and I gulped.

Sîelî laughed behind me, oblivious to what was happening.

She was practically reigning in blood at the moment and enjoying it. While I was kneeling beside my dying twin soul.

My dying half...

My spirit dimmed in sadness and my eyes filled with tears. I sniffled silently, he heard.

"Shh..." He hushed me, "You can't win against her like this."

'Fool! I'm not crying because of that!' I wanted to shout and scream at him.

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