Chapter 30

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Happy New Year everyone! (Or is it too late to say that? Nevermind-)

As a treat for the big occasion, here ya'll got a chapter from Allens POV. Ya'll seemed pretty happy about it the last time.

Here's an extra question for you (there'll be another one at the end of the chapter): Any New Year's resolutions? I'd personally like to be... braver, take more risks. I most likely won't, but... who knows.


"Love? Paige?"

No answer.

A smile made its way onto my lips, only growing wider when she huddled even closer. Slowly, carefully, softly, I ran my fingertips all over her face; her eyebrows, her cheekbones, the perfect little cupid's bow.

I strangled a howl of joy at the thought of her lips on mine. The careful way she'd pressed her lips to mine, the sound of her heart when I just grazed my tongue over her mouth... the innocence was oddly adorable.

I'd never thought I'd find the whole 'lack-of-any-experience-what-so-ever' thing attractive, but now that I was living it... there was something incredibly hot about her inexperience, and her shyness... I smiled when I looked back down at her. She was out like a light, which gave me much-needed room to think.

She had kissed me. I had never imagined in my wildest fantasies that she would ever make the first move...

I shook my head at the thought of other first moves we'd have waiting for us... soon, hopefully. Very very soon.

First of all, we'd need a real kiss. Not the elementary-school bullshit earlier tonight. I wanted my tongue in her mouth, her tongue in mine, her beautiful ass in my lap, her breath leaving her mouth in short, hard gasps... the thought alone made me glance between Paige and my crotch.

Dear goddess, please do not let her wake up right now, we've come so far tonight alone, and I cannot handle us drifting away from each other again because of a poorly timed boner.

I shook my head in disgust. She's 16. Keep your paws to yourself, Allen.

My eyes found their way to the TV where the comedian-guy was joking about lasting 2 minutes during sex. Weakling. I turned the TV off and wrapped my arms around my precious, pulling her on top of me, and burying my nose in her hair.

She smells like forest and pasta and strawberry shampoo all at once- weirdly complementary scents.

I shifted around on the bed and groaned.  I can't sleep like this. Button shirts and dress pants were great for fancy dinners- as pajamas? Not so much.

With a sigh, I placed Paige by my side and headed for my closet unbuttoning my shirt as I went. I dropped it into the hamper, letting my pants follow right after. I glanced at myself in the mirror. Could use an extra trip to the gym, Ally-boy.

Perhaps Joseph would be up for some working out... goddess knows Kya would appreciate getting rid of him for a few hours during the week.

I shook my head and looked at my current outfit if you could even call it that- boxers and socks. The socks went the same way as my shirt and my pants. I tilted my head to the side... on a scale from one to ten, how much would Paige freak if she woke up to me wearing this?

My optimistic side said three.

My common sense said 12,4.

I sighed and pulled on a pair of joggers and took my socks off, heading back for the bedroom. She was on her back now, her nose wrinkling in her sleep, her lips opening and closing soundlessly.

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