Chapter 15

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The drive back was quiet. My gaze was locked in direction of the window, watching the houses and mansions passing by, the occasional palm beach in the distance breaking the pattern.

He held the front door open for me as I entered, blocking my way with his arm when I headed for the stairs. I sent him a puzzled look. He rubbed his neck awkwardly, gesturing his head to the left.

"I sort of told them to set up in the dining room for us this morning. I don't know why, I just guess that I figured that you wouldn't mind, you know, after seeing the psychologist," he shrugged, pink spots spreading along his neck and cheeks.

With a deep breath, I shook my head. "No no, it's fine, dinner together sounds... nice," I smiled, pulling at my shoulders.

A big-ass smile spread on his face, as he gestured for me to go into the dining room. I walked in, my heart soaring just a bit a the sight of the lit candles on the table.

Cut it off, Paige. He didn't set the table, the maids did. I reminded myself, before going up to the closest chair in front of which a plate had been placed. I pulled it out from the table, Alpha Allen suddenly appearing behind me. "Here... let me," said, pulling the chair out for me, pushing it in once I'd sitten down.

He sat down opposite me, handing me the platter full of some curry dish. I scooped up a god portion, my stomach growling at the scent. Alpha Allen's brows had furrowed when I looked back up at him. "Didn't you say that you had eaten today?"

I shrugged, picking up my fork and taking a bite of my food. This is good. I dug in, my hunger taking over me.

"Love, may I ask... why'd you leave the school all out of sudden? And just disappear like that? Did someone bother you?"

I shook my head, taking in another bite of food as an excuse not to talk. He patiently looked at me as I chewed. I shrugged. "Some people were just saying things and I... I don't know,"

Eh put his cutlery down next to his plate, his eyebrows furrowing. "Were they saying things about me?"

I nodded. Turning my eyes back at my food. I kept my eyes locked don my plate even as I heard his chair move. I saw him out of the corner of my eye, pulling the chair next to me out. I tilted my head up a bit. "Come on, tell me, what bullshit were they letting out?"

"They said that you kill the girls you... sleep with, and that you killed a classmate, and... your sister,"

He chuckled. "And you believed that shit?"

I pursed my lips, shrugging, turning my head in the other direction, just doing everything to avoid his gaze.

"I've never killed a woman I've had sex with. I don't know where that rumor came from, I have never... I don't understand. I... I mean the worst thing that's ever happened was that once, once a girl hit her head on the corner of my nightstand...I mean, I drove her to the hospital afterwards, so maybe that's where it started... you know what, it doesn't matter." he smiled at me... a smile that made my stomach feel uncomfortably heavy.

"A regarding killing my sister..." he rolled his eyes. "The sister I supposedly killed was Lila, who you met earlier today. So I doubt those claims would hold up in court. You know why people think I killed one of my sisters?" he asked, his head tilting to the side, rolling his eyes with a smile.

I shook my head. He smiled again, tugging a strand of my hair behind my ear. "When I was five I had this play car- you know, one of those electric once kids can drive around the yard? Yeah, and that's what I was doing- driving it around in the backyard. While my little sister, two years old, was playing around in the grass. I'm driving around, enjoying myself, and then I hear a really loud scream. Scary loud. I get out of that dumbass car, and there is Lila, in the grass, screaming her lungs out. I've driven over her leg and broken it, but she was fine. I told that story once in... middle school or something, and then it's evolved into me raping her, brutally murdering her, then raping her corpse, cutting her up, and cooking her body parts in various ways and using them for various satanist rituals," he laughed a little to himself.

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