Chapter 80

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It's been too long, and I am sorry. Stuff is busy, so here's a quick update:

My studies are going fine. I've been a little sick with a cold. I may have PCOS. 

I'll see ya in the A/N at the end, enjoy, and remember to vote and comment - I love, love love your comments. They're my favorite thing to read. And I do go back and reread them, just fyi.

Not a very long chapter... sorryyyyyy.


"Uuugh," I threw my head back, covering my face with my hands. "Why are alphas such babies?

Allen chuckled darkly. "Because there are decades of traditions of us ruling the world, not to mention centuries of us being in charge even before that. They're not too happy about the idea of radical change, my love. I understand your desire for it, but we must be realistic. The alpha structure as we know it now cannot possibly be entirely reworked." he reached over and put his hand on my knee, nuzzling me with his thumb.

I shook my head, pushing away the hotel-provided papers drizzled on the coffee table, with scribbled notes of our brainstorming ideas all over in wriggly letters and incredibly poor drawings.

"What's the fucking point of this? If nothing can change anyway." I shook my head.

Allen's hand disappeared from my knee, but I soon felt him at my side, having moved from the armchair to the couch, sitting down beside me. "I understand your frustration, love." He wrapped his left arm around my waist, tugging me just slightly to his side so I could feel his warmth. "I want this changed just as much as you do, but Rome wasn't built in a day, my darling. We have our entire lives to change everything, but right here and now, we need to be smart and do as much good as we can reasonably expect to do considering the circumstances."

I tugged at my own hair. "God, how much simpler life would be if you could've just shot the guy in the dick instead."

A dry laugh sounded beside me. "Yeah, but if I had we wouldn't have this opportunity. This is difficult, I know, I think so too, but we have a chance here. In spite of how fucked up everything is, love, this is our one and only chance. The chess board has been tossed, and now we get - with some limitations- to decide how we set up the game for the next round. So love, what do you want the rules of the game to be? You can't decide the outcome, you can't decide the strategy or how your opponent will play. You can only decide how the pieces are set up and in which direction they might move."

I glanced at the table, the mess of papers and pens and notes and drawings. A complete, utter mess, one I had a few limited hours to organize. It was steadily approaching 1AM, and Allen and I had been at this since the meeting, only briefly interrupted by room service bringing food so we didn't have to work on empty stomachs.

"I want..." I picked up one of the pens, tapping the clicker end of it against the surface of the coffee table. "I want it to be safer for humans. I want there to not be any slums where we're shoved off to. I want it to be so that all humans who may desire it get to contact their families whenever. I want humans to have access to a good education, and not only have access to whatever befalls them by chance and by the grace of whichever mate they might end up having. And I want humans to have a say. Politically. So those AHIFGO people can shove it up their canine asses and not act as if humans are mentally stunted imbeciles who shouldn't be allowed any say in anything because we can't turn into big furries."

Allen snorted. "Okya, maybe leave out the last part entirely, but the rest, I think we can jot it down in a civil manner. But they'll need to hear more than your dreams my love. They'll need a plan that they can be for or against. Alpha Mabel will most likely be against whatever you come up with, but the others you might be able to convince so long as you have a solid plan of action for them to put their faith in. They want to fuck things p and change things as little as Mabel does, but thankfully most of them, there's a chance they could change their minds. But not unless they're offered an easy alternative. Something else they can believe in and support, without having to partake in the stress of planning. So love, do you have a plan?"

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