Chapter 13

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This chapter is extra-long compared to the others, so buckle up and enjoy motherf*ckers.

"Miss White, it's time to get up now,"

I groaned, throwing the duvet over my head, in a desperate attempt to go back to sleep.

"Miss White, are you up?"

A dry sob left me before I threw the duvet aside. "Yup, I'm up," I groaned, sitting up in the bed.

"What would you like for breakfast, Miss White?" I rolled my eyes- I'd told everyone working n this place to call me Paige at least 6 times, but they were relentless. The only people who actually called me Paige were my parents over the phone- Alpha Allen was still pretty persistent on calling me 'Love', 'my Love', or the newest addition; 'Beautiful'.

"Just some oatmeal topped with cocoa powder, please," I yelled, rolling out of bed and onto the floor, yet another groan escaping me.

I opened up the closet, grabbing the pile of clothes I'd laid out on the ottoman last night, before walking into the bathroom, placing it neatly next to the sink. I stripped out of my pajamas, turning on the water in the shower, waiting for it to grow warmer.

My foot kept tapping against the floor tiles in the shower stall while I was washing the shampoo out of my hair. Deep breath, no reason to be nervous.

After drying up, getting dressed, and blow-drying my hair. Alpha Allen had given me a tour two days after I'd arrived, so I knew my way around the house... sort of. It'd be a whole lot easier if the damn place didn't have 4 floors and a basement.

I sat down on one of the barstools by the kitchen island, smiling at Francis, Alpha Allen's personal chef, as he made his way around the kitchen, pulling out the ingredients for what seemed like... an omelet. He winked at me when he pushed over the boul with my oatmeal, bitting me good morning before turning back to the stove.

Chewing on my oatmeal, I suddenly felt a soft hand stroking my back, before Alpha Allen came into view, sitting down on a barstool two stools over, giving me my space. "Good morning, Love. Slept well?" he asked me, before thanking Francis when he put down the omelet and a cup of coffee in front of him.

"I slept fine, thank you. You?" I said, mostly to be polite.

He smiled, chewing slowly on his omelet. "I slept quite nice as well- I dreamt about you," he said, my stomach suddenly feeling very cold and heavy. He laughed at my facial expression. "Why'd you suddenly turn pale, Beautiful- it wasn't one of those dreams if that's what you're worried about,"

My curiosity got the best of me; "What were you dreaming about then?"

He smiled, taking a sip of his coffee, taking his time to enjoy the taste and put the cup back down. "I don't really remember, I just know that you were there and we weren't having... well, you know," he told me, with a shrug.

We kept on eating in silence, only the sound of cutlery against plates and the dishwasher breaking it. He finished the last bite of his omelet and out the cutlery aside. "You want me to drive you, or would you rather someone else do it?"

I stayed quiet, chewing unnecessarily long on my food, picking up a napkin to wipe my mouth even though there was nothing there. Alpha Allen smiled sadly, looking down at the kitchen counter. "I'll have someone else drive you then," he said, before getting up, placing his plate in the sink, and picking up his coffee, taking it with him when he left the kitchen.

I chewed down the last bit of my oatmeal, letting the bowl join Alpha Allen's plate in the sink. My eyes moved to the minimalistic wall clock hanging on the small space between the two large windows with a view to the front yard and parking lot. 7:38. I got up from the barstool with a sigh, walking out to the hallway.

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