Chapter 21

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Okay, just FYI, it's been ~2 weeks since le cuddles. Now, back to the show:

And I also have a funny feeling that you guys are gonna hate me- or rather, Paige.

Oh, and this chapter is dedicated to @AshRhoads because... honestly she's one of my most supportive readers and leaves the sweetest comments and I love her- not that the rest of you aren't cool though- you all have your own little special spot in my heart.

And this chap is also a bit longer than usual- to make up for the wait- I apologize.


My stomach felt hard and dark as I looked out of the car window, my heartbeat becoming louder and louder in my own ears.

The thought of the conversation last night played over and over in my head.

We hadn't talked much in the past few days. It had felt so wrong, after waking up in his arms. He'd smiled oh-so-happily at me and whispered a 'good morning, Love' into my hair and placed a kiss on my forehead. The thought of his facial expression when I'd turned my face away without and answer always made a cinderblock of guilt weight at the bottom of my stomach.

Yet, despite our lack of communication, he'd knocked on my bedroom door last night, his eyes wary as he'd entered the room. To say that I was surprised would've been an understatement.

"Hey there, Love,"

Pulling my legs up to my chest, I turned the volume on the TV down a nudge. "Uh... hi,"

He sighed. "I have some kinda good news and some kind of bad news- for you, anyways,"

"What is it?" I'd asked, slowly.

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Uhm, the good news is that... we're going out tomorrow, for dinner,"

A wave of uncomfortableness went through me at his words. I didn't really like the thought of going out... on what I would guess to be a date... with him. I swallowed hard. "And the bad news?"

"We're going out... to my parent's place. You're... going to meet my siblings- all of them, I tried to talk my mom out of it but... she's scary."

I would've probably smiled if I hadn't been so terrified at the time.

The houses flew past the windows in a blur, my stomach turning and twisting for each minute passing.

"Take a deep breath, please, Love, if you start hyperventilating I'm going to panic, and then we're going to crash, and I wouldn't want to hurt you, and fairly, I'd hate to harm my car as well, so would you please take a deep breath?"

Automatically, I took a deep breath and turned my head. Allen was looking at me out of the corner of his eye, the concern clearly visible on his face. "Love, you really don't have to worry, my mom will make sure that my siblings are on their best behavior, and if it really becomes too bad, we'll go home right away,"

I didn't answer. The minutes passed by slowly, and suddenly, Allen turned to the right, into a large, long driveway- longer than the one at his house. As we came closer, the building- the house, became clearer. Or rather, it wasn't that much of a house, it was more of a mansion, two stories, old from the looks of it, yet with a modern twist- quite charming if I hadn't been terrified of going in there.

Allen parked next to a Mercedes in the line of covered parking lots, and less than a second later he was around the car, holding the door open for me and offering me his hand, I took it, but even after I'd gotten out of the car, he still didn't let go.

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