Chapter 28

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I haven't updated in a while, and it really bumps me out, because I'm actually  6 chapters behind my time-plan... which really fucking sucks because I was so excited to give you guys some Christmas chapters in December... bummer.

And the worst thing is I can't even skip to the December shit,  because I gotta get Paige's mother's birthday and Paige's birthday in, and there's gonna be some ship happening in those two events that's important to the plot... fucking shit. Fuck writer's block, honestly.


I threw the door to my bedroom closed behind me, wiping my hand over my cheek. I hate him... or I don't. I want to hate him! Why can't I just hate him? Why can't I just do the one thing I'm supposed to do and hate him?!

I shook my head and headed for my closet, ripping a large bag off one of the top shelves. I ripped open the zipper and began pacing around the room, looking for something to throw in the bag. I didn't even notice any of the clothes.

My thoughts drifted to Kya... Ember... Allen's mother... all human woman, who had just, given up, given in to the wolves who had claimed them as theirs. Would I end up that way? Would I end up like... like Kya? Pregnant at 17? My heart thundered in my chest. I'd be turning 17 in a little over a month... a shudder passed through me, making my entire body go cold. I'm not ready to be a mother.

I shook the thought out of my head. You can only get pregnant one way, and I'm not having sex with Allen- ever, so I can't get pregnant- easy peasy.

I pulled a deep-green blouse and threw it in the bag- adding a pair of black jeans to the mix. Last, I added a pair of socks, a black bra, and matching panties. Seems I got it all. I sighed, picking up the bag, and headed out of my closet, throwing the bag on my bed, and myself on my couch.

The TV came alive when I pressed the button on the remote, turning right on the Netflix- the last 'app' I'd used on the TV. I pressed 'play', and 'One Day At A Time' began playing.

Elena was on her bed, talking to Penelope. "When I see myself in love, I see myself... someday... loving a woman," the screen became unclear, and I quickly paused the program. I leaned back, running my hands over my face, and sighed.

I suppose I was in a similar situation... somewhat. I could just imagine in. When I see myself in love, I see myself, someday, loving a werewolf. The weirdest laugh escaped me... it seemed more like a sob. At least Elena's mom accepted her, kind of, right away- my parents would never talk to me again. I felt the tears running down my cheeks.

My body began shaking just a little, my muscles coiling and tightening from the pain. a strangled sob broke through my lips. I wrapped my arms around my legs, pulling them close, turning into a small ball of pain, my heart aching in my chest.

My lungs cried out for air, making me gasp for it, my lungs cramping, not accepting the desperate breaths I sucked. I dug my fingernails into my scalp, pressing my lips together, preventing a scream from escaping me.

Next thing I knew, I was swept into a warm pair of strong arms. "Shh, relax- just breathe, just take it easy, shhh..."

I clutched my fingers around his shirt, sobbing into his chest. "A-Allen... I, I can't... I-"

He stroked my hair, pulling me closer and rocking back and forth. "Hey, no need to explain. Just take a deep breath," he whispered into my hair, pressing a quick kiss to the top of my head. "Just relax,"

I tried to laugh dryly, but my sobbing kind of made it impossible. "I- I don't... I don't even know why..." I sniffled. "Why I'm crying,"

Allen chuckled and held me closer. "Hey, I don't care. I'm not here to drag out the reason you're upset- I'm here for comfort, just breathe deeply," he gently used the tips of his fingers to tilt up my head. A sad smile crossed his face, and he pressed his face against mine- his forehead meeting mine, the tips of our noses meeting. "Just relax, Love, I'm right here,"

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