Chapter 19

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Just a warning. I'm tired as hell, so the quality of the chapter may be compromised.

I turned my head with a groan as I felt the sun rays hitting my eyelids, and snuggled closer into the mattress underneath me- I must've pushed my pillow off the bed.

Shutting off my brain and relaxing my muscles, I tried to return to the blissful void of sleep.

Util I felt the mattress move underneath me.

I opened my eyes slowly, being met with black fabric. My eyes moved from the black fabric, further up to a neck and then up to Alpha Allen's face. He was smiling, looking down at me, his tired eyes softening as I looked at him.

"Why..." I pushed myself off him, furrowing my bros. "Why the hell am I... on top of you?!" I whispered, panic filling me at the thought of what could've possibly happened throughout the night? Would I have felt it if he...? I would right? Like, you don't sleep from that unless you're... drugged or something... oh god...

"First off, you turn a lot while you sleep, Love- literally, it was like sleeping next to a windmill. And secondly... I'm pretty sure you were cold, you had goosebumps and you kept on moving closer to me until you were... well, on top of me," he shrugged. M eyes narrowed at the small smile beginning at the corners of his lips. Bastard.

"Why didn't you push me off?!" I hissed, stepping off the bed, wrapping the duvet that had been tossed to the floor around me.

He rolled his eyes, slowly getting up from the bed. "I tried Love, trust me, I did, because I knew you'd react like this if you woke up on top of me- I did push you off, twice, in fact, you just kept sneaking back- it was pretty cute," he smiled.

I wrinkled my nose at the sight of him, but my face softened a bit at his expression. He went from being happy to being... I don't know, he suddenly seemed very tired, and also a bit sad. I sighed taking a seat at the far end of the bed, as far away from him as possible, my side pressing hard against one of the black-painted wooden bedposts. I looked back up at the window, the sunlight coming through the blinds.

Sighing, I looked down at the floor. "When... when did you go back to being... you?" I turned my head to look at him.

He shrugged, running his hands through his unruly mane of hair- I didn't understand why, it's been unruly and bedhead-y every time I've seen it so far, why try to fix it now? "Around 4 I think- I'm not sure though, I didn't want my phone to light up and wake you up" his hands went from his hair to his face, wiping the tiredness off, I assume. He turned his head, still resting it in his hands, and looked at me.

His eyes softened, a smile spreading on his lips as he looked at me. I furrowed his eyebrows for a second before slowly reaching out his hand, stopping in mid-air. He looked me up and down once again, before he finally let his fingertips touch a loose strand of hair, and tug it behind my ear, a traitorous blush creeping it's way up my cheeks.

His eyes were unable to decipher. They seemed curious and sad and frustrated and caring and warm all at the time. I released the breath I didn't realize I'd been holding before suddenly coming to my senses, He'd leaned closer, and so had I- uncomfortably close. I leaned back away from him, and he seemed to break out of the trance too, because he pulled away as well, clearing his throat.

"Love, are you alright? Last night must've been a bit... strange, for you. Especially when he asked for..." he trailed off, a redness covering his face. it didn't seem to stem from anger, though, it seemed more like... frustration.

"Yeah" I shrugged, a question coming to mind. "Did you know what was happening? Like, how does it feel to you?"

He looked down on the floor, thinking about his answer. "It's sort of like.... being really really tired, you know, you'll usually have a rough idea of what's going on, but you're not really entirely sure. It's weird. I just remember him asking for a kiss because..." he pressed his lips together, eyes me carefully, doubting whether or not to tell me.

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