Chapter 44

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Hello there. I'll be making a lot of people very frustrated with this chapter, but here we go!


It took Allen a few minutes to wake me up from my orgasm-induced coma-like state, and then yet another few for him to convince me to drag myself off the kitchen island.

I sat down at the barstool, while Allen, my perfect man, washed his hands and face in the kitchen sink, collected all of the ripped-up gift paper and gift ribbons, and took a wet cloth, and wiped down the counter.

Personally, I'd say that over the fast few weeks I'd become a lot less of a prude than when me and him... began being intimate. However, I still demanded that he washed his hands and face after our little.... moments. And also I'd made it a requirement that all surfaces on which we could risk placing food be wiped down after. He'd agreed to my terms with a roll of his eyes.

I'm pretty sure he'd agree to anything if it meant getting between my legs. I couldn't help but smile just a little.

Once he'd finished cleaning up after both of us, he sat down at the barstool next to me. "What are you in the mood for for dinner today? And tomorrow, for that matter, since your family is coming... and mine..." he took a deep breath. "Anyways, this is your day, what do you want?"

My lip jotted out. I'm quite sure that Allen had some idea that we should eat out at least once a week, and he'd introduced me to quite a few new restaurants and eating places- all of them fantastic, and some of them surprisingly affordable. Thanks to this, I had become slightly more comfortable with him splurging on dumb unnecessary stuff to make me happy... but only slightly.

"Would you mind cooking tonight... and tomorrow, please?" I looked at him up through my eyelashes, and I could almost see his eyes melt as I did. I got this man wrapped around my little finger. I avoided smiling.

He nodded, his gaze still filled with love. "Of course, Love, what would you like?"

I love this man. "Hmmm... you know that simple pasta dish you made... like three weeks ago?"

He raised a brow. "The spaghettis with the milk sauce and cut-up hotdogs? What I made when I had literally 10 minutes to cook before I had to be in a phone meeting?"

"Please? It was so good!"

He sighed, shaking his head. "Anything for you, love... what about tomorrow?"

That's easy. "That tenderloin stew you made? With bacon and the mini sausages that we ate with rice? My parents are gonna love it," And I really need them to be in a good mood when being in the same building as seven werewolves... or eight, if Sophia's mate came along.

"Always, anything for you, Love,"

I rested my chin in my hands, my thoughts circling back to Allen's family... particularly his sister. "I'm curious about something,"

Allen tipped his head to the side and told me to go ahead with my question.

I considered my words carefully. I was still not completely sure about what terminology wolves could take offense to. "That whole mate thing... when you have siblings and all... I mean, would it have been painful if one of your sisters found their mate first? Is Lila upset that Sophia did? And what if Halley and Emmely also find their mates before her? Is she gonna hate them or something? I just don't get how those... particular interhuman... interwolf interactions work,"

He took a deep breath, licking his lips as he thought about an answer, probably trying to word it right so I'd understand. "It's definitely easier to be happy for someone when you've already experienced that particular type of happiness before, and yeah, I was also concerned when Sophia met Leon, but... I talked to Lila about it, and at the moment, it seems that she's... not really interested in finding her mate. She might just be pretending, of course, but to me, it seems that she's not too worried about it... my guess is she's got that 'it happens when it happens' attitude. Quite honestly, I'm more concerned with Halley,"

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