Chapter 48

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I just want to publicly announce that I hope Greg Abbott looses mobility in the rest of his body. Particularly his lungs. And I hope he is in immensible pain when this happens.

Forced birthers are stupid and I don't respect them. Texas is turning into The Handmaids Tale.

It's not fertile people's job to provide infants for infertile loosers. And that comes form someone who's the result of IVF, due to an infertile mother.

Btw, it's 2.30 in the morning here. No judgement.


The backyard is beautiful as always. The sun is shining. The soft spurts of wind disturb the surface of the pool, making patterns dance along the bottom and sides of it.

Despite the sun, it's getting colder. The clouds are beginning to cover it. I don't want to go inside yet. But I know where it'll be warm. The hothouse at the very back of the yard. I walk. It feels like miles and miles, the ground moving the opposite way of where I'm going.

Finally, I get there, and I walk in. The flowers are beautiful. Crawling up the walls, nestling in between one another. The roses in the corner are in full bloom. The ground moves beneath me again, and then they're right in front of me. I brush my fingertips underneath the petals, the flower opening further as I touch it.

And then it moves. The vines wrap around my underarms. The thorns bury themselves in my skin, blood dripping onto the stone tiles. I try to pull away, but they just wrap around me tighter, and tighter. It hurts. It hurts so much. Make it stop, please. It hurts.

I sit up with a gasp, my cheeks wet. When I looked to the side, Allen was gone. I was alone. All alone. My eyes moved to my underarms. They were black and blue, dried lines of blood where dad's nails had dragged along my skin. I looked around the room again. Allen...

I got up from the bed, only now realizing that I was still wearing the clothes from yesterday. Alright, change of clothes, then Allen.

Soon, I was in a nice, soft hoodie, and a pair of sweats, before heading off to his office. The door was ajar, when I reached it, and I pushed it open softly. Allen was on the phone, sitting in front of the computer. I sent him a little wave, and he met my eyes. Then pointed to his phone, held up two fingers, and pointed towards the floor. I smiled just a little, before heading out the door, through his bedroom, and down the stairs.

I turned to the left, towards the kitchen, stopping in my tracks when I saw the dining room out of the corner of my eye. I stopped in my tracks, turning towards the room. Walking to it slowly, I looked at the wall, of which a large part was sort of discolored, from the... blood. A chair was missing too. God knows what happened to that.

Two hands wrapped around my waist, making me jump. Allen rested his head on my shoulder. "Hey, no worries, it's just me," he kissed my cheek. "Are you... how are you feeling, Love?"

I sighed. "Pretty shitty, to be honest," I moved my hands down to touch his, and I could physically feel myself calming down.

"Right, of course. I can't believe that he would ever... " he sighed.

I shook my head. "Me neither. I can't believe that I've been living with that terrible shitpiece for 16 years of my life,"

"You want me to call your psychologist? Get you an appointment?"

I nodded, and he kissed me again. "Talking about psychology and mental health... I did something, something you might be mad about, but, I did it for you, and I'm hoping that it'll make things turn out better, eventually,"

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