Chapter 2

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We decide on a restaurant that's fancier than our usual McDonald's escapades. Under the lush restaurant light and with the wine glasses in front of him, Zack looks expensive in a black leather jacket and styled hair.

I order the gnocchi, which Zack mispronounces at least three times before the waiter even takes our order. The food comes hot and steaming. My eyes practically roll back as I take the first bite. The gnocchi is the perfect balance of light and dense. Its rich, buttery flavor melts in my mouth.

When dinner is done, my stomach is blissfully full. Without even looking, he picks up the check.

"Wow," I say. "What a gentleman."

His eyes trail up my face. "You didn't know that already?"

I roll my eyes as he leans back, letting his eyes glaze over me through his lashes. It makes my cheeks burn and the edges of his lips curl up. "You have something on your face."

I wipe my lips with my thumb. "Here?" I ask.

He shakes his head and leans across the table. The scent of smoke and sugar that I've missed hugs me as he presses a kiss to the edge of my lip.

I hit him immediately as he sits back smugly. "You're unbelievable."

He grins. "Wanna get out of here?"

I'm up before he can finish.

There are a lot of bars on this side of town and it's a Saturday night so the streets are packed with people. My left hand is in his right as we walk back, taking in the nightlife.

But because nothing can ever go smoothly in my life, a swirly feeling starts to form in my gut as we're walking. When I look up, there's a group of girls heading toward us from the opposite direction.

As they pass by, I catch one of the girls reach out her hand and pull Zack so abruptly, he stops walking.

"What the hell?" he exclaims, yanking his hand back.

Now that I'm looking at her closely, the girl has to be at least in her 20s, if not 30s.

"Come on," she slurs. "We're about to go to Buzz. Why don't you..." Her voice trails off as she catches sight of me. "Oh shit!" she exclaims, eyes huge. "Sorry, I didn't know you were with someone!"

This calms me down a little. She does seem genuinely sorry. Maybe she's just drunk.

Before Zack or I can even say anything, the girl's friend steps forward in front of her like she's her bodyguard and starts to yell in my face.

"Hell no!" she shouts with exaggerated hand movements. "You take care of your man! My friend can touch whoever the fuck she wants!"

I blink. My lack of reaction seems to anger her even more and she gets even louder, practically spitting in my face.

Does she think I'm scared? Bitch, I grew up with an Asian mom.

Zack steps forward. "Hey, chill the fuck out-" he starts but I put my hand out to stop him.

The girl who touched him starts to get hyped up by her friend and now she's in my face too, talking about how she can do whatever she wants and touch whoever she wants. My temper continues to rise internally.

"Don't talk to me like that," I warn in the middle of her spiel, keep my voice quiet. There's a crowd starting to form around us and I just want to leave while I'm still in a decent mood.

She keeps going. "You think you're all that? What are you gonna do, huh? Huh? I'll fucking take your mans if I-"

"He doesn't want you anyway!" I interrupt, raising my voice to match hers. "Ma'am, you're, like, 30 years old. Grow up, have some respect, and stop trying to put your crusty little hands on my boyfriend. You're embarrassing yourself."

Zack smirks a little from the side, utterly unhelpful. "That's my girl."

The woman turns to face Zack. "Don't pretend like you don't want some of this."

"Oh, fuck no," Zack replies, slightly horrified as he starts turning away from her.

Suddenly Mr. Responsible, he starts to wrap his hands around my waist, making it clear he's about to walk both of us away. I start getting in my last words.

"Nobody wants that!" I call out. "Your hair is greasy and your fucking flip flops are ugly anyway!"

She continues to roar at me even as we're walking off. Her voice rings in my ears as I stomp away.

A/N: if ur reading this ur a bad bitch. Reads, votes, and comments give me life :)

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