Chapter 43

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I pick at my potatoes, rolling them over with my fork and then stabbing the centers. Zack's arm rests around the back of my chair as he laughs at something Katy says. It all becomes lunchroom background noise.

Mia takes one of my potatoes. "What do you think, Amelia?"


"For my birthday on Sunday," Katy clarifies. "Wait, you said you have a job interview then, right Amelia?"

"Yeah, I do," I say. "Sorry. I wish I could come."

Just as I was getting used to my job at M-Burger, I quit. The thought makes me stab another potato.

Katy pouts at me. "Zack?" she asks.

"I should be free," he says just as Marcus starts to walk over.

"What are we talking about?" he asks, setting down his tray. He doesn't even glance at me despite my glare.

"I'm done eating," I tell Zack, getting up to leave.

He stands up to join me, but Katy says, "Wait, Zack! I have something to talk to you about."

"Stay," I tell him. "I'm just gonna go to the library, get some studying in."

He hesitates before sitting back down. I leave the cafeteria and immediately go to my room.

It's honestly tiring trying to avoid Marcus. If anything, shouldn't he be the one avoiding me?

Maybe I should just tell Zack. He'll understand.

For what, though? He's finally happy with his family and it was just a kiss, right?


I pretend like it never happened. When we hang out in groups, I pretend like Marcus isn't there. If I pretend enough, maybe everything will go back to normal.

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