Chapter 16

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My whole body freezes in shock as Zack appears, his jaw clenched and the veins in his arms tight against his skin. His eyes are black as coal and he's staring straight at the guy who hit me.

He's fuming as he starts to stride over. I watch his hands start to curl into fists.


I turn to Blue Eyes. "Go," I warn. "Get out of here!"

He's mere feet away.

"Zack, wait-" I start.

Zack moves past me and punches Blue Eyes straight across the face so hard, he doubles over. Blue Eyes reels back almost falling down but before he can hit the ground, Zack grabs his shirt and stands him back up. He brings his hand back and slaps his face so hard the sound rings out in the darkness.

"What the fuck, man?!" Blue Eyes shouts, holding his face.

"Why'd you hit her?" Zack says, his voice deadly calm as he glowers down at him. His voice raises and he hits him again. "You like to hit women? Huh, you little bitch?!"

"She pushed me!" Blue Eyes whines.

Zack's eyes flash. "I don't give a fuck if she broke your skull. Don't put your hands on my girlfriend!"

I rush forward, grabbing Zack's arm. "That's enough," I say. "You hit him. Let's go before someone sees us."

The Crusty Friend tries to hide in a corner as I start to walk away, pulling Zack and Mia with me.

"That's right! Run away, you pathetic bitches!" Blue Eyes calls after us.

I turn around, keeping my grip on Zack's arm. "Are you stupid?! Shut up!" I shout.

"You better watch yourself!" he responds. "Or next time, I'm finishing the job, you ugly ass whore!"

Zack bursts out of my grasp. "I'm gonna fucking kill you," he growls, lunging forward and punching his face so hard there's a crack.

"Call the police, Brent!" Blue Eyes yells at Crusty Friend from where he's laying on the floor.

"You better not," I warn Brent. "You call the police and I swear I'll find your class schedule and follow you around like a crazy bitch. Leave now."

I'm probably far from intimidating but it seems to work. Brent's eyes dart around and he stands up, sprinting away. A figure strides over as Brent's stumbling away.

"There you are, Zachary! You just disappeared!" I hear. Marcus appears in the darkness, taking Mia from me. "Ooh, this is fun! Family reunion!"

Blue Eyes is now on the ground as Zack continues to punch him. Free from Mia, I pull Zack off of him.

"We have to go!" I shout. "You'll get in trouble."

"Get away, Amelia," he warns.

"Zack, I want to go to the dorms," I say, making it clear that it's not a request.

He pauses, fist raised in the air. Blood trickles down Blue Eyes's face as Zack tosses him down.

"If I see you near her again, I'll make sure to knock every single one of your fucking teeth out of your throat." With that, he stands up and starts to walk away.

The world is spinning as I squeeze his hand and begin to walk, trying to pick up the pace. Zack stands next to me, his arm around my waist. A collage of rainbow splotches blur his face but I can tell it's him. I reach out to touch them as he whispers something into my ear.

Everything goes black.

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