Chapter 40

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As I step into the cafeteria, there are too many people. My eyes dart around, hoping not to land on Marcus, as I get in line for my food.


Katy waves me over from the booth where she's sitting across from Zack. Next to her, Marcus wolfs down a sandwich.

Anger stings through me as I step forward towards them. I keep my face masked as I take a seat next to Zack.

It's like nothing even happened. They talk. Marcus eats his food. He laughs at a joke Katy makes.

The second I finish my food, I get up to leave, making up some excuse as to why Zack shouldn't follow me. As I'm walking away, I can hear Marcus's footsteps trailing after me.

I pick up my pace, heart racing, and so does he.


He grabs my wrist and I wring it out of grasp immediately. "Stop it! Leave me alone."

Marcus breathes heavily, standing far away from me. He whips his head around but no one hears. People walk around us, coming in and out of the cafeteria. They mind their own business.

"Look," he says in a low voice. "I'm not gonna hurt you."

I cross my arms, keeping my face blank.

"I don't really remember what happened last night," he starts. "I was stoned-"

"You don't remember?" I repeat sourly.

"Nothing happened."

"You kissed me against my will. I was pushing you off of me!"

"It was nothing," he says briskly. "You're not gonna tell Zack, right?"

My lips curl. "You want me to lie to him?"

"You know how he is. You know what happens when he gets mad. He's got the NFL watching over him, Coach watching over him. If he overreacts and does something, all of that will be gone," Marcus says.

My eyes fall to the floor because I know it's true. I've thought about it myself.

"Look, Amelia. Our family is finally getting along. I don't want him to give that all up because of a misunderstanding," he says.

I emphasize each word. "I trusted you."

Marcus crosses his arms, looking down at me. "You came to my room, Amelia. I took that as a sign and there was a misunderstanding. One... kiss is not worth ruining everything."

"Are you at least going to apologize?" I ask, glaring up at him.

He grimaces, practically rolling his eyes. "Sorry. I guess I'm just a horrible person."

I scoff. "You call that an apology?"

"I said I'm sorry," he says spitefully. "From now on, last night didn't happen."

He storms away.

I don't even realize I've just been standing there until someone walks by, accidentally nudging me. At the door of the cafeteria, I see Katy and Zack walking out together.

I leave before they can see me.

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