Chapter 8

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Blue and yellow. It's everywhere. The stadium is insanely huge. People don't look like people, just blobs in the distance. At home, our high school football games were always a big deal but that's nothing compared to this. Other than a quick hug before the game, I haven't seen Zack all day.

I already know as I'm squeezing through to find a spot that he's not going to be able to see me. Still, I crane my neck to try to catch a glimpse.

"Amelia!" I hear. Mia and Katy beckon me from the seats in front of me. "Come sit here!"

It's been a while since the last time we talked but it's better than sitting alone so I step forward. Katy turns to the other people in the group. "Guys, this is Zack's girlfriend!"

"Amelia," I correct.

This flies over their heads. "Zack Darrington?" one asks and I nod. "That's so cute!"

"Thank you," I sort of mutter. The game starts and they aren't looking at me anymore anyway.

I scream as loud as I can as we score touchdown after touchdown. It gets lost in the cheers and our fight song. One thing I will say is Michigan has some serious school spirit.

Zack scores a receiving touchdown, breaking our school records, and I see him point towards the sky to the stars as I cheer at the top of my lungs. People start chanting his number, 23. It choruses throughout the entire stadium, full and proud.

"He's a freshman?" I hear someone behind me say. "Goddamn."

As proud as I am, the game keeps me on my toes. This is his first game I've seen in a year and his improvement is so vast even I can see it. What sets Zack apart is he does everything: run, pass, catch, block.

We win by 14 points and my mood is at an all-time high as I wait for him after the game ends. There's already a crowd of people waiting to take pictures. I force myself to wait, shifting on my toes and clasping my hands together.

He finally runs over with his hair in his eyes and his helmet off. Bending over the rails, I lean down to kiss him. His eyes are shining, the brightest I've seen them in a while. It makes me grin as he walks up to me, wrapping his arms around me.

"You stink," I tell him but I don't move away. "But I guess you're pretty decent at football."

He glances down at me, biting down on a smirk. "Oh yeah?"

"Yes," I say, tiptoeing to bring my face closer to his. "You did really amazing tonight. The little freshman no one saw coming."

"I'm just glad I got to play." He stares at me for a while then says, "Thanks for being here."

"Of course," I say.

"Did you come alone?"

"I was with Mia and Katy but I think they went to see Marcus." I look at him. "Do you wanna go out tonight or are you too tired?"

"We can go out," he says, still high on adrenaline. "You wanna grab food?"

I swing on my heels. "I heard Marcus is hosting a party tonight."

He grins. "You're asking me to go to a party with you?"


His eyes widen as he pretends to gasp. "Two weekends of fun in a row? College has changed you."

"I always have fun," I say but it comes out oddly choppy.

"You don't even believe yourself," he smirks.

"Is that a challenge?" I ask, crossing my arms. "Fine. We will have the most fun night in the history of-"

"I'm already bored."

I shoot him a glare. "Loser owes the winner a wish."

"This again?" he asks, raising his eyebrows.

I stick out my hand.

"Alright," he says as he shakes it. "We both know I never lose."

I smile with satisfaction. "And we both know I'm the exception."

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