Chapter 15

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My nerves make the minute more like fifteen seconds before I pull Mia away from Random Guy. "Let's find Katy!"

Mia giggles as I attempt to push us through the crowd with little success. We take at least five dance breaks because I can't walk for more than a minute at a time without my vision going spotty.

In the middle of one of my rests, I spot a familiar flash of ashy blond hair. "Katy!" I call out, grabbing Mia's wrist. "Katy!"

Katy pauses when she sees us and waits for us to come over. "I've been looking everywhere for you guys!" she exclaims.

A rush of relief fills me until a group of guys comes into view beside her. One with thick, unruly eyebrows wraps an arm around her.

I gulp before I talk. "I think... we should probably go. Mia's really drunk!" And so am I.

She ignores me and turns to the guys. "These are my friends!" she tells them. "They're both single!"

Ignoring my protests, Katy turns away from me so she can dance on the Eyebrow Monster. Yvonne dances with his friend next to her.

I bite on my lip, wanting to just leave with Mia but my conscience keeps me planted.


As if the night couldn't get any worse, Eyebrow Monster's Crusty Friend decides to appear behind me and grab my waist.

Fucking hell.

I try to politely move out of his grasp but he just moves with me, not getting the hint. With my free hand, I try to move him away but the alcohol has made me weak.

I start to turn around. "I don't wanna dance!"

He ignores me, his right hand digging into my waist as his left one fist bumps the Eyebrow Monster. I struggle to keep my hands in Mia's while also squirming out of his grasp.

"I said I don't-"

"Mia needs some air!" One of Eyebrow Monster's friends, a guy with shockingly blue eyes who is holding onto Mia, says. He starts to drag her away and my body struggles to keep up with them. Crusty Friend decides to tag along to my irritation.

The four of us end up outside the party. I'm trying to catch up to Mia and Blue Eyes but Crusty Friend keeps holding me back.

I pull out my phone and dial Zack's number again, sending my location this time.

"Who are you calling?" Crusty Friend demands, his lips downturned as he attempts to snatch my phone.

I bring my phone to my side. "No one," I answer quickly. Too quickly. I try to pull my hand away. "Let go of me please. I... I have a boyfriend."

"Katy said you were single," he says. He bares his teeth. "You think it's funny to lie to me?"

"I want to go back inside with my friend," I say as strongly as I can. I call out for her. "Mia!"

"Shut up!" Crusty Friend roars.

I catch Blue Eyes trying to pin Mia against the wall. "Mia!" I shout, my voice turning desperate. "Let go of her!"

A surge of adrenaline rushes through me and I break out of Crusty Friend's hold, pushing Blue Eyes off Mia.

"What the fuck?!" he shouts, tossing her away to face me. "Who the fuck are you, bitch? Stay out of my business!"

"She's drunk! Leave her alone!" I shout back, holding her tight to my chest. Her eyes are drooping.

I try my best to run away. Blue Eyes pulls Mia's wrist in an attempt to bring her back to him so I shove him.

His face turns bright red. "Did you just push me?" he asks. "You fucking bitch."

Blue Eyes's hand slaps my cheek so hard, I fall onto the ground. My hands go to my cheek instinctively and I'm searching for an escape route when I hear a voice.

"Who the fuck are you?" 

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