Chapter 19

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As I squeeze into the stadium stands, I consider the pros and cons of football.

Pros: Zack loves it, fun to watch especially when we're winning, Zack's arm muscles.

Cons: The fans.

Middle-aged men have literally been trying to fight me as I struggle to get to my seat. I can hear them chomping on snacks as I squeeze uncomfortably close to their musty bodies to sit down.

If anything, I should be annoyed. They don't even go here!

Once the game starts, though, it's all forgotten. Throughout the game, Zack runs at lightning speed. His improvement is so vast even I notice it. Even though he can't see me, he points to the sky when we score. Pride swells in my chest as I touch my necklace and cheer.

It's fucking cold. It's cold and crowded and he can't see me if he squints his eyes and uses a magnifying glass but I'm here wearing his jersey number. I'm here to scream whenever we score and I'm here to hold his smelly, sweaty uniform as we take pictures. I might complain afterward about how loud and chilly it was but it feels nice to matter to someone.

Also, the smile on his face afterward is worth it.

He walks to me, helmet in hand and eyes sparkling. Marcus is next to him but he stays back as Mia runs over and kisses him. When I look to Zack for an explanation, he just shrugs.

"You did amazing," I say.

Zack grins but before he can reply, Marcus shouts, "Hey! Zayn and Gigi! What are we eating for dinner?"

We end up getting McDonald's and eating on the floor of Zack and Marcus's dorm because it's all we can really afford, not that I'm complaining. The fries are unbeatable.

"Remember our first date at McDonald's?" he says.

"Me insulting you and you calling me a spoiled brat?" I ask amusedly.

"The good old times," Zack says, dipping a fry into my ice cream.

"That was not a date," I say. "It was us third and fourth wheeling with Lincoln High's Elizabeth and Darcy."


"They're a couple from a book. Pride and Prejudice," I explain.

Actually, Jaden and Lola would probably be more of a Jane and Bingley but I don't bother bringing this up.

"Does this Darcy guy try to make a move on his best friend's girl in the books?" Zack asks, popping a fry into his mouth.

I give him a look. "We were together for, like, five minutes at the time and you know he and Lola are back together now."

Zack raises a brow uninterestedly as Mia asks, "Wait, so it's true that you guys met in high school? You lasted that long?"

"What can I say? She refused to let me go," Zack says then turns to me. "Don't hit me."

I toss a fry at him instead. "Officially two years in a few months. God, he was such an asshole when he met me."

"He's still an asshole," Marcus says. "Just when you're not looking."

Zack shrugs. "You can't change everyone, Princess."

"I can't believe you just called me that."

He grins wickedly and I notice Mia staring at us with an odd expression. Marcus changes the subject before I can say anything.

"So, the cousin and I have news," he says. "Some recruiters have been watching us and they like what they see. I mean, most of what they see of me is sitting on the bench with my juicy dump truck of an ass but they actually pay attention to Zachary."

"Really? That's amazing," I say.

Zack shakes his head. "We're still freshmen. They're just keeping an eye out. That's it."

"New England seems to like you a lot," Marcus says, wiggling his eyebrows.

"We'll see in a few years," Zack says but he can't hide his grin.

"I'm sure they love you already," I say.

He smiles at me as I inhale. I stand up and say,"I'm gonna take out the trash. Is everyone done?"

They murmur and stack the garbage in the middle so I can scoop it out. I leave the room and toss it into the hall dumpster room but instead of going back to the room, I walk to the balcony.

The cold air nips at my cheeks but in a good way. One that reminds me that I'm alive. I take a deep breath, filling my lungs with cool air.

New England... All of his dreams are coming true so fast. Am I going to be able to keep up?

A voice breaks the silence. "You have bewitched me, body and soul and... I never wish to be parted from you from this day on."

I turn to see Marcus walking next to me with an unlit cigarette in hand. He lets it sit between his smiling teeth before lighting it.

"I skipped the 'I love you' part out of respect for the cousin," he says.

"Right. Because the rest of the quote is so platonic," I reply.

He grins. "Don't tell Zachary. It's the only quote I remember."

I laugh. "It is a memorable one."

He inhales then exhales a thin cloud of gray. It disintegrates into the frosty air like a dream.

"You don't seem surprised by my amazing ability to quote literature."

"I'm more surprised by the cigarette," I say. "I thought athletes took care of their bodies during the season."

"One never killed anyone," he says, blowing out the smoke. It vandalizes the crispness of the air. "So why are you hiding out here?"

I shrug. "Just needed some fresh air."

He stops mid-exhale and looks at the smoke. "Oops."

I laugh. "It's okay. I should probably go back in anyways."

"You seemed distracted by the news. That New England's been eyeing him like all the teenage girls at this school."

This stops me. "I'm really happy for him."

He lifts a brow. "But?"

"There is no 'but.'"

"And what about all of his... fans? That doesn't bother you?"

"I trust him," I say. "So no, it doesn't bother me. Does it bother Mia?"

He shrugs. "I doubt it. She knows what she's getting involved with."

"Don't be a dick to her," I warn him. "She's my friend and if I see you talking to other girls, I'm gonna tell her."

He stares at me then shrugs. I figure it's the best I'm going to get so I turn to leave. I'm barely at the entrance when he calls out after me.

"That guy from high school. His name was Jaden, right?"

I turn around. "Yeah," I say.

"He doesn't really talk about him. I've just heard the name... They aren't friends anymore, are they?"

I look down. "Not really," I say. "Zack doesn't forgive easily."

He contemplates this but simply nods. "Have a good night, Amelia."

"Night, Marcus," I say. He turns back out to the balcony but the scent of cigarettes lingers as I walk back into the building.

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