Chapter 55

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Asher's POV

"What are you doing here?" I ask Tatiana as she is standing near the bathroom door. I was getting ready to go back to Vanessa after my small bathroom break.

"Nothing, just trying to get you back," she winks.

"You're crazy! I'll just pretend like we never had this conversation," I roll my eyes and try to leave. However, Tatiana had other plans. She pulls my arm enough to stop me.

"Asher, please. I love you!" she says desperately.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Asher gives us a chance. Vanessa won't make you as happy as I can," she pleads. I sigh, she was irritating me.

"Look, Tatiana, I'll make this as clear as possible. I love her, not you. You have proven to be one of the most disgusting people I know. She isn't like you."

"Why?" she begins to tear up. I shake my head at her fake act. Then, the earlier events come up in my thoughts.

"Also, I'm sure you will hear it from the media soon, so there's no reason for me to hide it. The girl your sister bullied today is my daughter. You better not get close to her. They are my priority now, not a bitch who can't get 'no' through their head. Now, shut up. I need to get back to Vanessa-" I try walking around her but she throws herself at me. I knew too well where this was going. She tries to match my height and kiss me. I pushed her off on time before anything happened.

"It's taking a lot from me to not slap you. Leave me, Vanessa, and Maya alone. I don't want to see you ever again."

I left her there, she took up all my patience. I can't believe she would try kissing me. She was crazy, she wasn't thinking straight. I turn to look at her one last time. She was smirking, it was enough to give me goosebumps.

I try walking back to the table I left Vanessa at. I wasn't too worried, it was full of people from our school. They wouldn't do anything unless they wanted problems with me. From afar I notice Noah having a blast with Emily. I couldn't find Amelia or Ethan though. I imagined they probably went to go get something to eat.

I try looking for Vanessa once our table was visible enough. To my surprise, she wasn't there. I sigh knowing too well something wasn't right. I reach the table and immediately see something suspicious. Vanessa's phone was laying on the ground. I knew this wasn't good.

I became angry, Vanessa was taken by someone. What else could explain her phone on the ground? I decided to go up the stairs of the house. A person would be more likely to take her to a private space, a bedroom. I've been here before, way too many times. It was when the guys and I didn't know the girls. We were too immature at those times. I push through everyone, I didn't have the time to excuse myself, especially if Vanessa was in danger.

I hoped Vanessa was alright, that she just left with a good person and nothing was happening. I hoped that I was just exaggerating. I knew that someone would end in the hospital if Vanessa was in danger.

I unlock the first door, I found no one there. My anxiety just increased. I push any door after that, hoping to see her perfectly fine. Every room that I broke into was either empty or just filled with people making out. There were no signs of her.

My vision settles in one door. Tatiana was walking out of it, smiling. I hurry to talk to her.

"Asher!" she jumps in her spot. She protectively stands in front of the door.

"You have something to do with it right!?" I scream. She looks at me terrified for her life. I push her away, she falls onto the ground. I ignore her scream and try opening the door. I couldn't, it was locked. I take a deep breath, I knew she was in trouble. I walk backward, giving me enough space to kick the door. I put all my strength into it, I was panicking.

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