Chapter 16

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Vanessa's POV

This day has been nothing but horrible.

Currently, we are all at Amelia's house giving Emily the support she needs. At this point, she isn't even crying anymore. You can see her face is blank and her face has traces of dried up tears. 

I can't imagine the feeling of losing both of your parents in one day. 

Right now, Noah has gone out to buy all of us food because we just remembered that we haven't eaten anything since the trip and right now it ten at night. 

"D-do you guys think I could move in with anyone of you guys?" asks Emily. We all turned to look at her shocked. She hasn't said a word for hours.  I knew Emily couldn't stay with one of the guys, it was a big no. Amelia could lend her a space but her house is always crowded because of all of the babysitting she does. "I just can't go back to my place, it will be too traumatizing," she finishes and looks up at us.

"You can come to mine for as long as you want," I assure her. I honestly have no problem with it because I want to help her through this situation. I just have to reveal to her who I am and hopefully, she doesn't get mad. Easy, right?

Emily turns to me and tries to smile and murmurs a quiet "thank you." 

"You guys should head home, after all, we have school tomorrow," Emily advises to the boys.

"Are you sure? We can stay longer if you want," asks Noah.

"It's fine, you guys should rest, I'll just head to Vanessa's house right now," Emily assures him. Noah simply nods and goes to hug her as a goodbye. Asher and Ethan follow behind him. 

"We'll visit you after school Emily if you need anything just text any of us," says Noah and they leave Amelia's house.

I turn back to see Amelia, Emily, and I are the only ones left. I sigh, I guess this is the best time I can tell them. I take my phone out and message Michael.


Me: Hello! I hope things are alright at home. Anyways I'm back from my trip so can you pick me up from Amelia's house?

Michael: Sure Ms. Vanessa. I'll be there in 15.

Me: Thanks and could you tell Rose to set up one of the guest rooms.

Michael: Sure

Me: Thanks

I put my phone back in my pocket and look at Emily and Amelia. 

"So Emily, our ride is coming..." I begin. "I also want to tell you guys that no matter what happens tonight, please understand that I have a reason for it. Also, please don't hate me," I ramble.

Amelia and Emily give me confused looks. 

"Why would we hate you? Vanessa, you are too nice for anyone to hate you," Amelia reassures me.

"You'll understand once you find out..." I murmur.

"Vanessa whatever you're hiding will not change the way we look at you, we have seen the type of person you are so don't worry," Emily adds.

Suddenly we all turn to the noise of my phone going off.

I read the message and see it's from Michael telling me he's outside. I turn to look at the girls and tell them to come with me.

"Wait, I have to tell my mom that I'm coming with you. I'll be back," Amelia yells as she goes to find her mom.

When she comes back we all head out and find Michael out waiting with the door opened for me. I turn to look at the girls to see their shacked faces. As Michael notices that we approach him I see his face expression also change into a confused one.

I know he probably is thinking why Amelia and Emily are coming when supposedly they don't know about my other life. 

"Good evening Michael, this is Amelia and Emily. Amelia and Emily this is Michael," I awkwardly say as they exchange greetings. The girls get in the car as Michael closes the door behind us. 

"Wait, you have a personal driver!" Amelia whisper yells. I shyly nod. Emily doesn't say a word but you can see the shock in her face.

The whole car ride is silent. I'm guessing the girls are trying to connect the pieces together as to why I would have a personal driver. While they do that, I'm here praying that everything goes right.

I see Michael slow down as we approach my house and the girls turn to look out the window. I thought their eyes couldn't go wider before as they saw Michael but I was wrong. Even Emily seemed to have forgotten what happened this whole day as her face held shockness. 

Michael parked the car in front of the front door to let us get out of the car.

Once all the three were out of the car Amelia turns to me and says, " Okay I get it now, you're parents are super rich which would explain the driver and this mansion."

I turn to look at them and nod. "Well, you can say that is half true..." I agree and head to the front door to have Rose open it for us.

"Good evening Miss Vanessa, the rooms are ready," she informs me and I thank her.

Emily and Amelia also look at Rose as she leaves towards the kitchen.

"Let's go to my room and I'll explain everything..." I sigh. This is it. There is no going back now.

I lead the girls through the stairs all the way to my room. As I open the door to reveal my room, I hear the girls gasp as they see ahead. I motion them to sit on the bed as I'm a nervous wreck right now.

"I'll be back, I need to go to the bathroom..." I say nervously.

I walk into my bathroom and see myself. It's time to get rid of this wig, glasses and bit of makeup. It's time to let two more people into this secret of mine. I walk towards the door reaching for the doorknob.

I turn it and open the door. I walk into the room to see Emily and Amelia are looking at their surroundings until they notice my presence again in the room.

They turn to look at me and their faces turn from confused to realization.

They look at me with pure shock.

Their faces later turn into something else though.

Their faces held anger.


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