Chapter 17

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Vanessa's POV

I'm scared

They look mad which isn't good.

This is it.

They'll leave or use me from now on. 

Then Amelia bursts out laughing. I look up to their faces with a confused expression. Emily looked at me with a small smile. Why were they acting like this?

"Wow, this is the biggest prank of my life? Well hello, Ms. Vanessa. I know I should be freaking out since I'm out of your biggest fans but I don't understand why my friend would bring me to your house?" she asks clearly confused. I understand her now, she knows I'm Vanessa Lee but she doesn't know the other side of me is Vanessa Collins.

"She brought us here because this is her house," Emily says quietly. She stands up and comes towards me. "This is our best friend," murmurs Emily as she hugs me. 

Somehow I understood what she was saying, that no matter what, who I was, I was still the same person to them, their best friend.

I look towards Amelia as she now wears a face of shock and understanding.

"Vanessa... as in our Vanessa," whispers Amelia as she stands up. I guess it's taking her time to put the pieces together.

"Yeah, that's me," I sigh.

"I don't get it though, why would you disguised this side of you?" Amelia asks.

"Well it's kind of a long story, let's sit down first," I say as I lead them to my bed to sit. "Well, I'll try to make it quick. The Vanessa Collins you know me as has been my disguise for two years since I started at Stillwater High. I don't want to imply that I hate the Vanessa Lee side of me it's just that I wanted to have a normal life. Ever since I became 'rich' and 'popular' people only befriend me to money and popularity," I look down and sigh.

"I wanted to come to this school and find friends who liked me for my personality and more which in this case I found you guys. After these two years of friendship, I realized that even if I was to spill my secret to you guys I was still the same person in your eyes. I want to apologize though. I'm sorry for not telling you guys about this earlier-" I look up as I get interrupted.

"Vanessa stop apologizing. We get it. This isn't something you just reveal out of the sudden. You can't just come in and be like 'oh I'm actually Vanessa Lee and Vanessa Collins is a disguise'" Amelia assures me.

I begin to tear up as happiness roams over my body. I love how understanding they are. We all hug each other and lay down.

"Now, we're all tired so let's head to bed, we have school tomorrow anyway. I have to go home so Vanessa I'll see you tomorrow, and Emily I'll come back after school to visit you if that okay." Amelia says as she stands up. 

"Amelia why don't you just stay the night over, it's late anyway,"  I ask.

"No it's okay I can just have my dad pick me up," she objects.

"I'm not taking a 'no' for an answer, just stay the night and we can both head to school tomorrow," I say hoping she agrees. 

"Ugh, you're so stubborn, fine I'll stay, just for one night," she says emphasizing the one.

"Thanks, I'll go tell someone to set up one of the guest rooms," I immediately stand up as I finish.

"Vanessa it's okay, lets all sleep on this bed together for the night. I'm sure the three of us can fit on a bed this big," she says.

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