Chapter 38

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Vanessa's POV

I'm a mess.

My wig is probably in the ground somewhere, my glasses might even be broken.

I wanted the world to swallow me.

I rolled in my bed crying my heart out. I didn't want to go anywhere. I didn't want to see anyone except for him. Asher.

Although he might hate me, I still need him. I finally started calling him my boyfriend and I lost him quickly. This is all because of Ian's mouth. Talking about Ian, my phone begins to ring. I see the caller ID marked as "Unknown" so I answer it out of curiosity. I try to stabilize my voice as best as I can before saying my first word.

"Hello? Who am I talking to?" I ask.

"So this is your number." I recognize his voice anywhere.

"What do you want Ian? You like torturing me?! All because of you, Asher hates me, he thinks the worst of me..."

"True but you're in for a treat! Asher only hates the nerdy Vanessa, not the Billionaire side."

It took me a second to realize what he was talking about.

"You mean-"

"Yes, I didn't tell him about your other secret. I told him about the affair. Although, I could still tell him," Ian confirms my suspicions.

"I shouldn't be thanking you but I'm too happy, thank you for not being a snitch," I reply sarcastically and hang up the phone. As much as I'm happy, things still aren't back to normal. They won't be until I talk with him.

I decided to take a break at the nearby cafe near my building. Yes, I came to work even when things are going south for all of us. I needed to focus on something else. I look out the window and observe all the cars that go by. I was there long enough that it started raining a bit. I paid for my coffee and started walking to the building.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see her again.

"Maya!" I scream to get the little girl's attention.

"M-miss!" Maya screams from the other side of the sidewalk. She runs towards me a hugs my legs again. I squat down to hug her better and immediately feel happy.

"Maya it's raining, lets go inside," I advise her.

"Can't, I need s-sell," Maya points to the basket she carrying. I see she still has a few fruits in her basket.

"I'll buy them again but let's go inside Maya, you will catch a cold," I warn her. She listens carefully and nods happily. I walk with her back to my office to give her something to eat and something warmer to wear.

I sit Maya in my chair making sure she is eating her food carefully. She looks at the office wide-eyed while she eats her cookie.

"L-like Mom..." Maya whispers while eating.

"Huh?" I ask trying to understand what she meant.

"M-miss you l-like mom," she whispers happily and continues to rotate in my chair. I freeze at her words. 

Maya has so many things I wonder. I can't ask her though, she's too small.

"Maya, how old are you?"

"I'm close to f-five!" Maya exclaims happily. Her response raises even more questions within me. When is her birthday? Will she celebrate it?

Maya gets up from my seat at proceeds to head to the couches placed in my office. She explores the office as if it was a new playground she found. I sit in my chair and admire her. I don't know why Maya has taken my attention.

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