Chapter 30

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Asher's POV

"I like you"

As those words leave my mouth, I pray for the best. Things could take off in any direction. I turn to look at Vanesa, to see how she's taking it. 

Her eyes are wide open in shock, trying to not choke on her drink. 

"Finally! About time you grew some-" Noah blurts but gets cuts off by Ethan. He quickly covers Noah's mouth to stop him. Talk about ruining the moment.

"I think its best we leave..." Emily murmurs to the boys and Amelia. She gives me a nod as encouragement and gets up from the table. Once I think everyone except for Vanessa and I is gone, Amelia and Noah come back.

"Sorry..." they say in unison and try to grab some of the food left on the table. Can't they handle not eating for one day?

Once everyone is gone, I begin to panic. How should I begin?

"Is it true?" Vanessa whispers as if she is coming out of her state of shock. I nod and we make eye contact. 

"How? I mean look at me? I'm ugly, a nerd, clumsy, and a ton more things. I just don't believe you," Vanessa reasons out.

"Vanessa that's what you made yourself believe. I don't see that. I've liked you for so long but in this little time that we've become closer, I just realized my thoughts about you were always true. You are so kind that you put others before you. The smartest girl in this school, you are so attentive and actually care for your education. Lastly, you're beautiful, inside and out, every aspect of you is breathtaking," I rant. 

Everything came out of the heart, but I'm afraid I might have scared her. 

"Vanessa I know this might be too much but I also know I'll be scared if I don't do this now. I don't want to lose you. I wanna take you out properly. I want us to get to know each other more. But I only want that if you're comfortable with it."

"Vanessa, will you go out on a date with me?" I ask hoping a good answer. 

Vanessa's POV

My eyes widen further as Asher asks me out. I can't seem to respond to him as I'm in shock. I realize I might make things even weirder if I don't give him an answer soon. 

"S-sure," I manage to say. 

I struggle to blurt out those words. Though I keep asking myself am I dreaming?

There is no way Asher had just confessed he has an interest in me. He talked about me like I would never imagine anyone else could. 

"Thank goodness! I can finally take a break from Asher struggling to talk with angel face!" Noah yells out of nowhere and places himself in his seat. The rest of the group follows behind him and gives us weird smiles. Then it hits me, they took food in order to watch us comfortably. 

"Well, I'm not as lucky as you Noah, Emily and I will have to help Vanessa once she panics about deciding what to wear for her date," Amelia confesses. 

"Hey! I won't ask anyone for help!" I argue back. Amelia gives me a knowing look that I'm completely lying. I sigh. This is going to be more awkward than it should have been.

"If it makes you feel better Vanessa, Asher will be the same," Ethan teases us. I can't with all of them, they act as if they've been waiting for this moment for a long time. I know for a fact I won't act the way they predict. I'll be perfectly fine.

I lied. 

I'm currently in between what looks like a jungle. Clothes are scattered everywhere. I can't seem to find anything that feels right.

Yesterday, Asher texted me about the date once school ended. He said nothing else except for it being today, the time, and he would pick me up. I asked him where we were going but he refused to tell as it would ruin the surprise. 

The only thing I did tell him was to pick me from Amelia's place. 

"Help?" Amelia offers as she sticks her head inside my room. Emily follows her movements. I nod desperately. I tell them exactly what Asher told me and they smile. Something tells me they knew all of this information before. 

"Well, first of all, stop panicking and everything will come together," Emily advises me and makes me sit down.

"Leave everything to us, just sit there and look pretty," Amelia speaks happily before both of them start working. 

After two hours of Amelia and Emily doing their magic, they do their final touches. I sit there impatiently knowing that I'll be with Asher in about 40 minutes. Though I do admit it's kind of late as its seven in the evening. I really wonder what he has planned. 

"Done!" both girls yell happily. 

I stand up and look at my reflection at one of the near mirrors. I'm blown away at what I see. I don't see Vanessa Lee, the confident part of myself. I'm met with Vanessa Collins, the nerd but this time I'm better than normal. The girls chose a gray shirt tucked into black jeans. On top of all that, a leather jacket that compliments my figure and a black beanie to match with the pants. Lastly, the shoes were chosen to be black vans as it pulls everything together.

The simple makeup they applied to me only enforced my good features. To conclude everything, they decided to french braid my hair. As simple as it sounds, I loved it. 

"Now, time to wait for your date," Emily whispers quietly as she places her head above my shoulder. I turn around and hug them both knowing they went beyond expectations and helped me out.

"Thank you so much!" I respond full of joy. I appreciate all of what they did. 

"No problem Vanessa now lets hurry or else we'll be late!" Amelia exclaims happily. 

The car ride was full of me trying to calm myself down. I didn't know what to expect. All I know is that Asher could regret everything and never show up. 

We get to Amelia's house and we run to the living room to make ourselves pretend as if we were here for a long time. I check the time and we still have 10 minutes to spare. I take this time to relax and try to clear my thoughts before Asher appears. 

The doorbell goes off and I jump in my seat. I know it's not Asher as its too early. I look at the girls and they give me confused faces. They shrug reading my thoughts.

"I'll open it," I say and get up. Maybe it's one of the guys or someone completely different.

I turn the doorknob and my heart proceeds to beat rapidly. I let out a shaky breathe and finally open the door.

"Hi-" I begin but stop myself as I see one familiar person in the doorway. 

"Wow..." we both say in unison as we take in each other presence.

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