Chapter 24

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My body remained in shock. 

I didn't move at all. I guess my mind hasn't processed what I'm seeing. When it does, I feel my vision getting blurry. I know it's tears but I decide to not let any fall. Then one by one the guys turn to look at me and my reaction. 

I knew the girls know about my crush on Asher but I guess I was being obvious about my feelings towards him since Noah and Ethan show pity over the sight I just witnessed.

I look at all of them and give them a small smile. I mean what else was I supposed to do?

I turn to look at Asher and Tatiana and see both of them looking at our group.

Asher looks at me but shows no expression almost as if he is waiting for a reaction. Tatiana is by his side giving me a smirk as if she knows I'm breaking inside.

"Vanessa-" speaks Noah but I interrupt him.

"I need to go, guys, my parents are waiting, I'll see you guys tomorrow," I say too quickly to get out of this situation as soon as I can. They know I want to leave so the boys and Amelia wave at me while Emily gets closer to my side.

We both head to where Michael is waiting knowing that it's far enough from the student's sight. Emily and I get into the car and greet Michael like we do every day. This time Michael noticed my change in mood so he mainly talked with Emily.

I look out the window and got overwhelmed by my thoughts.

I wanted to cry so badly. 

Why was I this stupid to think we might have had a change? Why did I believe they weren't dating? Why did I fall for his charms? Why am I stupid?

As I kept asking questions to myself and feeling like shit the car comes to a stop so I look up and see that we are in front of the building where my company is.

"Weren't we supposed to drop you off first?" I ask Emily realizing we didn't stop by the house to drop her off like we always did.

"Vanessa can I stay with you today?" she says quietly avoiding my question.

I nod and we both get off as I wave at Michael when he pulls off again. We both head in and go to my office immediately.

"Wow, this is really yours," Emily says while he wears a shocked expression as he enters my office. I release a quiet giggle at the expression she wears.

"It's nothing to be amazed about, but I know why you came, you shouldn't worry," I confess.

"Vanessa, how can't I worry, plus it's the least I can do when you literally gave me a home," she admits and hugs me.

"Thank you, now you can use my desk to do your homework with because I know you don't like when you don't complete your assignments by the time it's due," I say to lighten the mood and we release each other from the hug.

"Okay boss, now go change," she says and pushes me off to the door of my office.

"Okay, I'll be back," I yell as I'm already stepping into the closet inside my office. I take my clothes off and change into proper work clothes and fix myself to attend a meeting.

While I was in my afternoon classes I got informed about a meeting being scheduled for today. By the tone my assistant had when she called me, I think this meeting is pretty serious. I head out of my closet and Emily turns to look at me.

"I don't think I will ever get used to this Vanessa," she admits referring to the normal me.

"I kind of weirdly understand you. There are days where I look at myself and I don't believe it myself," I confess with a nervous laugh.

"Yeah, your transformation is really drastic but you still look gorgeous no matter what your appearance is. Anyways, what are you going to do today?" Emily asks.

"Meeting, sounds like a serious one," I respond with a sigh. All my body is feeling nervous at what this meeting is about. I hope it isn't as bad as I think it will be, but when do things ever come out the way I want it to.

"Hey, don't worry about it. Just remember to take everything easy and think before anything," Emily advises me. I nod and take a deep breath to calm some of my nerves down.

"Well, I'll be back in a bit, pray for me!" I plead for the prayers and head out to the room the meeting will be held.

As I walk in I'm met with two familiar-looking people. Both look to be in their mid-forties and I'm assuming they are married by how comfortable they seem to be around each other. 

"Good afternoon to both of you, I heard that you have something to discuss with me about," I greet them and take my seat. As I take a better look at them they have familiar features that remind me of someone. I brush that thought aside as I think I might just remember them from the party I had a couple of nights ago.

"Miss Le we came to discuss something that is rather embarrassing to ask you for," the male starts off. 

I look at both of them and see their faces. Both of them looked stressed. I motion him to continue and show them that I'm genuinely listening to them to somewhat help them relax a bit.

"Miss Le, I want to start off by saying that my husband and I have encountered some difficulties in my company..." the women speaks.

I now understand why they've come. They need help with their company. They continue to talk about the problem they were facing and I was about to tell them I would help them with what they needed. That is until they told me how I could help. My eyes widen when the women finishes her sentence.

"... arranged to marry my son," she confesses and makes eye contact with me. I choke and her request and hurry to drink the cup of water that was placed beside me.

"Um... I don't know what to say?" I respond more like a question.

"Miss Le, I know this is too much to ask but my son is coming here to talk it out with you. Actually he is probably here by now-" the man begins to speak but right on cue a  person pushes the door open which I'm guessing it's their son.

The couple smile at the mystery guy I'm being arranged to marry that is standing behind the door.

"Mom! Dad! I told you this isn't necessary!" the guy pleads and I look at the door. His voice sounds so familiar but I can't figure out where I heard it before.

The door widens and the guy steps in and my eyes widen at the man who just entered the room. The guy mirrors my face as his eyes meet mines.

"Angel fa- Vanessa!" Noah yells.

I don't say a word because I'm too shocked.

I'm marrying Noah?

Yet my brain decides to focus on one more thing.

Did he say 'Angel face'?



First of all, I want to thank every single one of you for taking the time to read this horrible story. We reached 2k reads which is hard to believe. To all my new readers, I hope you will continue to support this story. To my silent readers, thank you for coming back and reading my work, I'm really thankful. To everyone else, I still feel I should thank you for sticking around so, thank you.

I hope everyone is safe and staying healthy during a time like this. My family and many others are being affected by this situation. In a time like this, I just say we should continue to help and have each other in our prayers. Hopefully, this goes away soon so that we can all live like we used to.

I'll keep everyone in my prayers and if anyone needs someone to rant or talk about how they are feeling, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. I will genuinely listen to anything and be there for you however I can. Even if it's just reaching out every day and talk about anything.

Lastly, to all my scholars out there, don't give up on this distance learning. I know it's hard and overwhelming, I'm ready to give up even though I just started today. We will get through this and hopefully return back to school because let's be honest, we miss it.

I hope you all are okay and I'll try to update soon!

I love you guys~

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