Chapter 32

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"Vanessa, will you be my girlfriend?"

Those words were enough to take my breath away. I'm tongue-tied without the ability to respond back.

If I do say yes, will our relationship be healthy? Will we actually work out? I fear that our relationship will be built on a lie. I'm not who he thinks I am. He knows me as Vanessa Collins but that isn't me. I don't know him that well yet for me to go ahead and tell him my secret. I guess I can always see how things turn out and then tell him. 

Is that a mistake?

"Yeah, I'll love to," I respond happily. After all, I've been wishing for him to see me this way. 

As I give him my response I see his face break into a huge smile. But my staring session is interrupted as the ride stops motioning us that the ride is over. 

The walk back to his car and the drive back was spent by us laughing. We laughed and smiled like the happiest people on this earth. We felt as if we had no worries. This time something did change though. I felt more comfortable around him, I felt as if I'm getting closer to knowing the real him. 

Amelia's driveway comes to sight and my mood drops. Our night was over, hopefully, this wouldn't be the last. Asher walks me to the door and stays there for a second.

"Thank you for this amazing night," he finally speaks.

"No, you did everything, so thank you," I acknowledge him.

"Vanessa, I for real meant everything I've told you so far. I really like you and I'll do my best for us to work out. Good night beautiful," Asher says before giving me a hug and a gentle kiss on the cheek. I was so surprised that I only managed to wave off as he pulled out of the driveway.

I turn and face Amelia's door, all wide open with two girls smiling like crazy. 

"That smile says it all Vanessa," Emily teases me. 

"Huh? What do you mean? What smile?" I quickly speak and hide my smile as best as I can. 

"You can't fool us, you guys are dating, right?" Amelia asks hopefully.

"You know what, Michael is waiting for us outside, we better hurry up, you too Amelia," I manage to switch the topic. They both nod disapprovingly at how I dodged the topic but follow me towards Michael's car. 

"Vanessa, are you sleeping yet?" I hear Amelia ask quietly. I don't respond knowing that if I do, they will interrogate me about my date with Asher. I managed to slip by during the car ride and run to my room quickly.

"She's sleeping Amelia, we can just ask her about her date tomorrow," Emily reasons with her.

"True- look she got a message," Amelia alerts Emily. I mentally curse myself. Please don't be him.

"Its Asher! These two really do like each other!" Amelia says excitedly. 

"Well even though I'm dying to know what he texted her, Vanessa won't appreciate it," Emily confesses.

Thank goodness. Sorry Asher I'll message you back in the morning. 

I feel the bed sinking. I'm guessing Emily and Amelia decided to sleep here tonight. I don't mind at all. 

Slowly I'm the last one awake. I look at their sleeping figures break into a smile.

I'm Asher's girlfriend. 

Asher is my boyfriend.

Asher's POV

"You're dating angel face!" Noah screams throughout the house. 

"How do you know?" I asked surprised at how he knew so quickly.

"Its- it's just a guess," he answers suspiciously.

"Good job Asher, you finally told her," Ethan joins in.

"I'm surprised I did honestly, I think I just couldn't wait any longer," I admit.

"Well now just don't mess up Asher. Vanessa might be nice and all but I know she won't tolerate something bad," Ethan advises me. I nod agreeing with him.

Vanessa isn't a toy. She's special.

Before Noah keeps interrogating me I run to one of the guest bedrooms. I lock the door and sigh. It isn't a sign of stress, more like disbelief that I just did that. I asked out the girl I've been liking for almost two years now. I take in the time and head for a shower, before heading to bed. 

I'm all tired, about to close my eyes once my body hits the surface of the bed. I was so ready to slip into a deep slumber until I realized I haven't message Vanessa about anything. Tonight was amazing and I don't want her to think that I feel like it was otherwise.

I scroll until I see her photo beside her name. A beautiful picture that I sneakily took at the cabin. I type a quick 'goodnight beautiful.' With that, we both wrapped up our nights.

The next day I wake up with a groan. As much as I love Sundays, I wasn't liking this new way of waking up. Noah decided to take the job as my new alarm clock. He jumped on top of me and started screaming. Friendly reminder this 'man' is eighteen.  

"Please get up Noah before I send you flying across the room," I groan with frustration. 

"What are you gonna do? You shouldn't let Vanessa see this grumpy side of you," Noah teases me. My eyes go wide as I hear the laughter of at least two females. I sit up so quickly only to find the three girls at the door. 

"Aw is Ash embarrassed~" Noah continues and leads the girls to the hallway. The only thing he forgets is Vanessa, leaving her still at the doorway. She looks amazing as always but then I notice her cheeks start to heat up. I give her a confused look and take in my appearance. She quickly proceeds to cover her eyes and turn away.

"Oh sorry! Um, I'll put a shirt on quick! Just wait here," I hurry towards the bathroom after picking up a shirt. I swear this was the most embarrassing state she could have caught me in. I put my shirt on and take a look at myself. I fix my hair a bit and proceed to brush my teeth. Bad breath is never pretty.

I walk out of the bathroom and see Vanessa sitting down on the bed. She stares at her phone not taking in my presence. Once I get close enough to her I grab her waist and pull her with me into a laying position. She looks surprised at the position we are in.

"It is okay? Or do you want to go? You kind of look like you don't want me to hug you which is okay," I ask. I definitely don't want her uncomfortable. 

"Um, it's fine if we stay like this, just a bit surprised," she answers truthfully. She gives me a warm smile at the end and proceeds to cuddle with me. I hug her back being careful to not crush her. 

"How come are you girls here?" I ask curious if Noah told them to come.

"Honestly, I don't know, they woke me up early. Then, they drove me here. I'm surprised you didn't know though," she admits.

"Why is that?" 

"Noah told us 'Asher is waiting for you' once we walked in."

"Well I definitely didn't know about it but it's fine. I missed you already," I tell her which proceeds to make her smile.

We proceed to talk about random things. We talk about our likes, dislikes, and randoms topics. Slowly I notice how tired she gets. She slowly falls asleep in my arms. I smile noticing how peaceful she looks. I take off her glasses and set them aside hoping it makes her a bit more comfortable. 

I cover us with my sheets and continue admiring her. I might sound like a stalker but I can't help it. I managed to have a wonderful girlfriend. I might have stayed in that position for so long that my eyes start to feel heavy too. Unfortunately, I also fall asleep next to her. But not before thinking my last thought.

She's beautiful. 

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