Chapter 28

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Vanessa's POV

I walk and walk not really heading anywhere. Tears fall but I try my best to stop them from falling. I'm stupid, I'm easily manipulated into forgiving a person. One look at Asher was all it took for me to act like everything was fine between us. Maybe it's time for us to keep a distance. It's clear, we shouldn't be around each other.

I take in my surroundings and notice I'm in the hallway of my next class. I guess maybe it's better for me to be early than late. I walk towards the door and walk inside the classroom. I notice it's empty as expected and decide to take this time for myself. 

All I want is to forget.

Asher's POV

Hours have passed and I'm currently at home feeling like shit. I regret the tone I used on Vanessa but what can I do? I'm dealing through my own shit and her way of treating me wasn't helping. I'm lost in my thoughts but get interrupted by the loud knock on my bedroom door. 

"Come in- what are you guys doing here?" I ask once I see Noah and Ethan walking inside. 

"The maid let us in, Asher what is happening?" Noah asks genuinely concerned. 


"Come on! You wouldn't be acting this way if you were okay," Ethan buts in. 

I stand up and sigh. I head out of my room towards the kitchen knowing the guys will follow. I head to the fridge and pour myself a glass of water. They proceed to do the same. We all sit on the island of the kitchen. They remain silent as a way to give me time. I knew I wouldn't be able to continue hiding my problem.

Just in time, a pair walks into the dining room. Since the kitchen and dining room are connected we have a clear view of the two people. They continue eating their faces off and I'm disgusted. They walk past us proving they didn't notice our presence. Noah and Ethan look at the doorway the couple disappeared at with shocked faces.

They both look at me wondering what my expression is. Seeing that 'couple' angers me. 

"Asher-" Noah starts but I interrupted them. 

"Can I crash at one of you guys' place?" I ask. I wanted to get away from here. I knew I needed to be away from this so-called family.  

All three of us decided to go to Ethan's house once again. This time without the girls. We are currently in his room and they both stare at me. I'm sure they have endless questions and I know I won't be able to answer half of them. 

"Guys stop looking at me!" I sigh.

"It's just that I'm confused?" Ethan speaks up but comes out as a question proving he is unsure of what to say.

"What is there to be confused about? Dad is - I mean that man is cheating on my mom. I don't know how it can get more complicated than that!" I burst out yelling.

"Asher calm down! Yelling won't solve anything. Does your mom know?" Noah advises me. 

"I don't think so, I mean she would be devastated right now. I don't want to tell her because it will break me to see her sad but I can't hide something like this," I rant expressing my feelings for the first time.

I would tell her that the man she married was a cheater but it's my mom we are talking about. She is the most precious person on this earth that she doesn't deserve this kind of treatment. 

"Do you know the woman?" asks Ethan. 

"No, I haven't been able to see her face yet," I murmur. It's true. The two times I've seen that woman with my 'dad' I only saw her back. I never get to see her face because they are too busy sucking their faces off. 

"Is this why you've been acting this way?" 

"Yes, not because of him but for my mom. I don't have that love for him after all, he thinks he can buy my love with money. I feel guilty, I don't want my mom to suffer but I don't want her unaware of the situation," I rant.

"I think your mom would want her son to tell her something like this. Even if it hurts her, she will be thankful for knowing the situation sooner than later. Look, right now both of them are making your mom look dumb. Tell her as soon as possible," Ethan advises me. 

I nod knowing Ethan has been saying nothing but the truth. I won't let those two get away with this.

"I think I will but I need time, I can't just go out and tell her. I need time to think of a way to tell her without causing too much pain for her," I admit.

"Now, what is happening regarding Vanessa?" Noah asks.

"I think I was just frustrated with this and when she ignored me I felt useless and unappreciated. I felt useless because of her and not being able to tell my mom," I admit.

"Still, it was no way to treat her," Noah adds.

"I know I'm stupid and especially for kissing Tatiana in front of her," I sigh mentally slapping myself. 

"Man, I don't know how you managed to kiss her, I get the shivers just thinking about it," Noah annoyingly says. 

"I know but promise me you guys won't tell anyone, especially the girls," I say with a serious tone. They both nod giving me their word. Hopefully, everything gets resolved soon.

The next day we are all sitting in Calculus once again. I would like to say that things got a lot better between Vanessa and I but that would be lying. This morning she passed by me without a 'hi'. Hey, I don't blame her but I miss her voice. Amelia and Emily see the situation we are both in and give me a pat in the shoulders when they pass by my desk. I nod at them knowing they are encouraging me to do things right. 

That's all I want right now.

"Asher!" a squeaky voice yells. I roll my eyes knowing the owner of the voice. To my luck, I'm unfortunately correct. Tatiana proceeds to sit in my lap and starts playing with my hair. Let me just say I wanted to push her off at that second. No one touches my hair! I don't know why but I've always wanted the special girl I'm with in the future to be the only one able to touch my hair and mess with it. I turn my stare sideways and look at Vanessa. I grab Tatiana's hands with force to stop her at the same time.

Vanessa proceeds to stand up and I know if I don't act now, it could be too late. I know she is hurting by seeing Tatiana by my side. Vanessa starts walking to the door ready to leave and I push Tatiana out of my lap. 

"Asher let her leave!" Tatiana exclaims and tries to push herself on me. 

"Vanessa wait!" I yell out before she leaves the classroom. Thankfully there isn't a lot of people in the classroom yet. Vanessa stops and turns to look at me. I swear I might have seen her eyes on the brim of tears but Tatiana pushes herself on me.

"Asher! Let her leave! Remember, she means nothing-" Tatiana speaks but I interrupt her. 

"Shut up! She means everything to me because I l-" I yell at Tatiana but I stop myself before I say it. Tatiana's eyes widen with anger probably guessing what I was going to say but I don't stay there too long before I walk away. I walk towards Vanessa and look at her. Her eyes hold confusion and hurt. I proceed to grab her hand gently taking notice if she doesn't want me to touch her. She doesn't do anything so I proceed to guide her outside.

"Vanessa I-" I start rambling as soon as we are outside the classroom but Vanessa interrupts me.

"Asher don't speak, I thought about what you said yesterday and I should apologize. I don't know what you are going through, I should be a good friend and help you out," Vanessa reasons out.

I look at her confused and hurt. I'm confused about her change in mind. Yet, she just friend-zoned me. 

Fuck it.

There is only one way to know if she likes me or not.

I lean in slowly waiting to see if she backs away. Noting no sign of her backing away I continue.

I will leave the rest to your imagination.

 ; )

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