Chapter 181: Battling the Demon

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Chaos Order Outpost.

04:51 a.m. 15th Banem 1092.

[Angel Steps Activated!]

Beautiful white light exploded out of Kashi's body as he erupted with unfathomable power. The daeben, using the speed boost, quickly slid to his right. He winced as the powerful bolt brushed past him – the roiling winds around the spinning bolt cut his cheeks and drew blood, a testament to the bolt's overwhelming power. Luckily, the cut was the worst of the danger as the bolt smashed into the earth a microsecond later.

Kashi did not have time to celebrate his escape as the demon appeared in front of him with a rabid vengeance, bringing its fists down to collide with the daeben. Kashi initially wanted to counter with a punch of his own, but alarming bells shot off once again. The daeben's eyes widened in disbelief when the demon suddenly pulled back its arm and then danced to the side, revealing a massive bolt right behind him.

Once again, Kashi was forced into a desperate dodge. The daeben's heartbeat accelerated in stunned disbelief as he realized the earlier bolt had not been a mistake. Kashi had shot the arrows with [Homing Arrow] activated, which, when the ki projection shrunk, caused them to miss the target initially. However, because Kashi had shot from bottom to top, the arrows had been able to curve around and turn back to strike their target.

Typically, this would be checkmate.

After all, how difficult was it to block attacks from the back? But this monster demon's battle instincts were off the charts. Rather than focus on dodging, he acted as bait to draw the arrows towards Kashi.

Having realized the demon's sinister plot, Kashi strove to distance himself from it, but the centaur stubbornly stuck to Kashi like glue. The daeben grimaced as he darted around the pit with the centaur in tow.

However, Kashi was secretly overjoyed despite his grim expression, evident in his rapidly clenching right fist. The tense standoff forced Kashi to break his limits again and again. He could feel his mind getting clearer and his reactions smoother with every bolt that crashed into the earth.

The duo displayed a strange, synergic dance as they attacked and countered each other while dodging the bolts. The bolts stabbed into the earth around them, soon filling the pit with multiple tiny pillars.

Eventually, only one arrow remained. Kashi accurately predicted its path and preemptively slid to his left.


However, this time something changed. The centaur, after dodging, suddenly reached out with his ki projection and grabbed the arrow. Sparks flew as the spinning bolt rebelled against the hand that held it. If it were his bare hand, the demon would most likely have lost more than a pound of flesh, but as long as he supplied the ki projection with his ki, it could be forever ground down by the arrow to no avail.

The ki projection clamped down on the arrow and firmly held it in place. A microsecond later, dark mana poured out of the centaur's hand, consumed the mithril bolt, then dispersed to reveal a two-meter-long, gleaming black rod with a blade as long as Kashi's arm. This was the famed weapon of generals, the glaive.

Barely a second had passed between when Kashi had begun to dodge to the glaive's bath. Kashi was still in the process of avoiding the predicted attack when arcs of black lightning shot out of the glaive.

Kashi's eyes turned serious. Black Lightning! That was Tier 3 Magic! His Electricity Resistance was currently 175%, which was 75% Tier 2 resistance. As things stood, he had no resistance to Tier 3 Magic. Actually, he was in the red! If that lightning struck, he would suffer an additional 25% damage.

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