Chapter 90: Plans Awry

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2nd Muriel, 1093.

Five Days Since Kashi's Capture,

70 Kilometers South Of DarrenHold.

Lunette walked among her sleeping companions, unable to keep her unease at bay. Due to hard riding, they were now only a day away from Second Under. Humming a tune to calm her rampant mind, she stopped at the bank of a tiny stream. She crouched low, then splashed some water on her face. It was icy-cold, but she couldn't feel it. The closer they got with each passing day, the greater her anxiety flared.

Lunette was not used to these emotions. Aside from her brother, this might be the first time she felt this agitated about somebody. She wasn't sure how to handle these emotions, and for the first time in her life, she didn't want to talk to her brother about it. She doubted he would understand.

"Do you have an aversion to sleeping?" A voice called from behind. "Or any form of rest in general?"

Lunette smiled at Rider's reflection. "Is it that bad?"

"Well, considering I haven't seen you take a break in the past few days, I would say yes. Yes, it is."

Lunette lightly shrugged. "I can't help it," she confessed, voice low. "I know he's strong and everything, but there's always someone stronger." She looked up at him. "Right?"

"I suppose that's true, too," Rider admitted. He folded his arms across his chest as he looked beyond the horizon. "But there are some people whose fates are peculiarly blessed. I believe he is one of those." He gazed down at her, confused by her demeanor. "Do you not?"

Lunette hugged her knees, face half-buried between them. "I don't know," she confessed. "I can tell there's something different about him. The way he challenges things head-on, his warped reasoning, and a quiet sort of charisma. I mean, it's not like Ms. Lightwood's domineering presence. You find yourself inspired by him, just like that... for no rea—" She reddened when she realized how long she'd been rambling. "B-but, still, many heroes are like that..." Her eyes dimmed as she muttered, "up till the moment they die."

"So, you fear his death?" A new voice called as its owner plopped down beside her. "Good. I will be the one to kill him."

A couple of days ago, and Lunette's reaction might have been bloody, but now, only a warm smile regarded the Chetah to her left. Over the past few days, Lunette had 'bonded' with the Chetah general. The wasteland was a terrible place, and they'd both had their fair shares of saving each other's lives. Somewhere along the line, Asha had divulged her past to the songstress.

Now, even though Lunette was still wholly against it, she reluctantly understood why Asha was so hostile towards Kashi. If Lunette herself didn't personally know the daeben, she might have hated him too. Or more accurately, what he 'represented.'

"And I have told you, I will not let you do that," Lunette lightly warned.

"You said you would change my mind," Asha remarked as she dipped her feet in the cold stream. She never wore shoes or boots. The downside to that was sometimes the hot sand could get unbearable. "You've failed so far."

"So far," Lunette re-iterated. "I haven't given up yet."

"I must concur with Ms. Falsetto," Rider said with an amused smile. "I need the daeben for just a little longer."

"But you cannot interfere, can you?" Asha pointed out.

"Not directly, no." Rider reluctantly admitted.

"We have a situation," a voice interrupted.


Lunette and Asha nearly jumped out of their skins. The former whirled around to face her brother. "Seriously, stop that. You'll give me a heart attack one of these days."

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