Chapter 239: Breakthrough

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Undisclosed Location.

11:52 a.m. 15th Zelyr 1092.

3 Days to World's End.

"Today's the day!"

"Can you make that a reality?"

Clang! BOOM!

A massive shockwave erupted from the clashing of metal against bone. Hektor's red eyes glared at the Sword Spirit's. The young man gritted his teeth as he pushed his bone spear against the Spirit's broadsword. Hektor eyes shone with joy despite the struggle. This was because he could finally contest the spirit in a simple battle of strength. This, more than anything else, proved just how much stronger he had gotten.

Hektor, overflowing with vigor and confidence, shouted as his muscles suddenly doubled in size. "Watch out!" Hektor's new Dragoon Technique showed its extreme power. It temporarily extricated some of Rex's ki, effectively almost doubling the youth's strength.


Hektor surprisingly sent the Sword Spirit skidding back along the ground. "Try this!" The youth did not relent. He pushed off the ground in hot pursuit. As he approached, Hektor drew his spear back. Red and black swirled from his body, and then formed a spiral around the spear's shaft.


Hektor stabbed the spear forward. Clang! Despite its disadvantaged position, the Sword Spirt sharply raised its spear, blocking Hektor's attack.

"Not Yet!" Hektor, however, was far from done. His eyes burned with excitement as he pulled the spear back once more. Whoosh! At speeds imperceptible to the human eyes, Hektor stabbed forward five times in the span of a second. The insane speed left strong afterimages that resembled a dragon's claws.

The Sword Spirit's gaze turned grave. It stomped its foot into the ground, stopping it in place. Unfortunately, this made the claws approach it even faster. The Sword Spirit faced the oncoming attack with calm eyes. The next moment, however, the Sword Spirit suddenly swung down. "Scatter!"

Vwoom! A human-sized black arc shot out of the Sword Spirit's sword. Boom! The arch smashed Hektor's claws to pieces. The arc, however, continued strong on a collision course with the young man.

Hektor sidestepped the attack, and then burst forward. His spear flew at the Sword Spirt's heart, but the Spirit shifted to the left, causing the strike to brush past him.

The Sword Spirit's counterattack was just as swift. With one arm, it slashed down at the advancing youth.

Hektor registered the immediate danger. At this rate, the sword would cleave him in half! It was too late to stop or dodge the strike. A few weeks ago, he would have lost the match, and possibly his life right here. Luckily, the past months had not been in vain!

Hektor channelled the Dragoon Technique into his legs. Dark veins bulged in his legs as he kicked against the ground. Boom! The earth beneath his feet exploded as he burst forth like a bullet. Woosh!

BAM! The Spirit's slash harmlessly crashed into the ground as Hektor burst past. Hektor, however, did not let this small window pass. He spun around, sending the spearhead spinning toward the Sword Spirit's exposed back before it could retrieve the blade.

BAM! The Sword Spirit caught the shaft with its left hand.

"The fuck!?" Hektor exclaimed, in shock and frustration. Who even caught weapons anymore!?

The Sword Spirit's gaze turned ferocious. "Choose." Without giving Hektor a chance to understand, it lifted the broadsword and then slashed at the young man in one smooth motion.

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