Chapter 209: War Chief

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Grugok Arena,

Oerbora, Daggerfall

7:00 a.m 19thBanem 1092.

Uruk-thai, an ancient orcish tradition passed down through countless generations to reduce the all too real danger of an orc extinction by their own hands. The first Uruk-thai started when two warring orc clans realized they had lost over seventy percent of their population. To prevent the losses from getting any worse, the Uruk and Uthai chiefs agreed to host a duel to the death, to which the winner would go all the spoils.

History is not sure of the final champion's identity. But some speculate that the eventual name of the tradition, Uruk-thai, suggests that the Uruk chief emerged victorious.

Regardless, the important point is that following this, whenever an orc wanted to usurp another, rather than a bloody battle that would diminish the orcish forces, an Uruk-thai would be issued. Every war chief was obliged to answer at least once a month.

Strangely enough, despite the lure of the throne, Grimlock's reign as War Chief had seen very few Uruk-thai challenges. No orc was stupid enough to throw their lives away at the feet of this absolute monster.

But this day was different! On this day, an orc had actually issued Grimlock an Uruk-thai challenge! Renark Ragelock had dared to challenge the War Chief's throne! Had Renark dug his own grave, or would there be an upset after all these years? The surrounding orcs nervously watched as the Grimlock rose to his feet, ax in hand.

At a corner of the arena, Silver Spear's members sat among a company of curious wisbens and traders. Their guildmaster, Brilith Loneheart's beautiful green eyes sparkled as she observed the battle, eager to see who the eventual winner.

Grimlock, who at full height, stood a whole head above Renark, glared at the smaller orc as he hoisted his battle-ax. "This is your last chance, Ragelock. Are you certain you want to do this?"

"Cut the bullshit, Grimlock," spat Renark as he tightened his grip around the axes. "I won't falter so easily."

"That is unfortunate." Grimlock's eyes narrowed. "We are about to lose an outstanding orc."

Renark's gaze burned hot as he roared, "Yes, we are!" and then charged at the waiting Grimlock. Once he was in range, Renark's right hand crashed down. Grimlock was game to the strike, however, and blocked with his ax's handle. In response, Renark roared and swung with his left at the larger orc's ribs. Grimlock, however, easily angled his ax's handle down and parried the blow. But the larger orc was not done. With both Renark's hands in odd positions, it opened up his midriff to a harsh strike from Grimlock's leg.

Renark coughed in shock as he was sent sliding back, but he immediately collected himself and crossed his axes over his head.


Just in time, it proved, as Grimlock's ax crashed into the crossed blade. The massive blow forced Ragelock to his knees, muscles strained as he struggled to prevent the ax blade from cutting into his face.

"Why did you challenge me, Ragelock?" Grimlock questioned, unbridled rage in his eyes as he pushed down. "Are you working for the wisben now!?"

Renark gritted his teeth, incensed by the accusation. "I don't work for anyone!" he roared as he pushed against the blade with all his strength. Unfortunately for him, Grimlock relaxed his force right before Ragelock pushed up, resulting in the smaller orc almost jumping into the air as he misjudged the required strength.

Grimlock smashed his foot into Renark's exposed midriff, sending the orc tumbling across the ground. Grimlock charged at the orc for a quick follow-up. Before Renark could right himself, Grimlock swung down his ax with a heavy vengeance.

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