Chapter 223: Blood-Out

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Nornesh's Lair.

10:30 p.m. 19th Banem 1092.

Five Minutes Later,

"HAHAHAHA!" Loud, boisterous laughter, akin to thunder peals, reverberated within the mountain. Nornesh could not hold his amusement as he regarded Kashi with shining eyes. "Brilliant! In all the centuries I've spent in this world, I have not met anyone as bold. What a brilliant plan you've devised. So, I must aid you if I wish to attain what I want, is that it?"

Kashi expressed a confident grin as he nodded, "Unfortunately, that appears to be the case. So, what do you say? Are we in agreement?"

Nornesh temporarily went silent, fiery eyes gleaming as he examined the youths before him. "...Do you understand the consequences should this turn out to be a hoax?"

"Yes," replied Kashi with a severe gaze. "But I do not lie when making important deals." He paused and then added, "However, you too are aware that this is not a 100% certainty, right? Only about 70 - 80% in your favor."

Nornesh snorted. "I care not for the probability, only the possibility." The dragon shook his head and then said, "As long as the possibility exists, there are a million ones one can manipulate the probabilities to their advantages."

"Possibilities, Not Probabilities," mused Syèl with a thoughtful smirk. "That'll go well on a T-shirt, don't you think?"

"Give Me Possibilities, Not Probabilities," Kashi instinctively added, but then shook his head. "The hell am I doing?" He glared at Syèl for breaking his line of thought and then turned back to the dragon. "The possibility certainly exists. However, only Skyrm knows how. He got himself a daughter, so he should be able to tell you how he did it—once we rescue him, of course."

"So be it," Nornesh nodded as he rose to his feet. He then said as he rose to his feet. "Lead me to Skyrm."

Kashi scratched the back of his head as he gazed at the towering behemoth. "Well, I don't know where he is right now."

"What!?" Nornesh's eyes blazed with anger. "Do you expect me to scour the entire continent in search of one dragon? Do you have any idea how easy it is for a dragon to hide from the world if it so wishes?"

"Yeah, we have some idea," Syèl remarked as he glanced at the mountain walls.

Kashi grimaced but then quickly added before Nornesh exploded. "But we do know exactly when and where he'll be a few weeks from now! That should be good enough, right?"

Nornesh's eyes narrowed. "Let me guess. It happens to coincide with the date of Razznik's return, doesn't it?"

"Exactly," Kashi replied with an embarrassed laugh. "So, by attending, you'll effectively be killing off two birds with one stone. Convenient, right?"

Nornesh's brow shot up, confusion in his eyes. "Why would anyone use a stone to kill a bird? Requires too much force, insufficient range, and would most likely damage the feathers." The dragon huffed as he analyzed, "So inefficient. An arrow would much better suit that analogy."

"Exactly!" Syèl praised as he gave Nornesh a standing ovation. "I've been saying that my whole life. Stupid, stupid analogy. No wonder they were so excited when they finally killed two birds with one stone. Use an arrow—BAM—and you can get three of those fuckers in one shot, easy. I mean, I—"

"What—" interrupted Kashi, brows furrowed in abject frustration. "—I'm trying to say, is that we can both get what we want on the same day. Besides, I doubt the Chaos Order's Transcendents will try anything funny with you around. So, you can consider it a lazy day out to see current events in person." He paused and then added under his breath, "The best thing about nuclear weapons is no one's desire to use them."

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