Chapter 236: Bok's Resolve

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Entertainment Sector

Secret Genaco Compound.

12:33 a.m. 24th June 1092.

"Hey! Slow down!" Taiga jokingly protested as Saeko excitedly dragged him through the amusement park. As fate would have it, the park was mostly empty, so the duo had the whole place to themselves.

Saeko, however, like an excited puppy, pulled Taiga to multiple attractions. Taiga jumped out of his skin numerous times in the haunted house. They stormed the arcade and shut down the firing range, clearing the top prizes with ease. They toured the park's multiple attractions with unrestrained fervor until Taiga nearly collapsed from exhaustion.

"H-Hold on!" Taiga heavily panted when they stepped out of the killer roller coaster ride, 'Cheating Death.' The young man brought his hand to his nose and then revealed a bitter smile when he saw a patch of blood.

Saeko noticed the blood. Her lips curled in a guilty smile. "I think that's enough for today. We should rest."

A couple of minutes later, Taiga sat on his bed while Saeko carefully cleaned the blood around his nose. Saeko frowned as she inspected Taiga's room out of the corner of her eyes. The room was empty. There wasn't a single piece of furniture aside from the bed and Full-Dive. It looked like the room of someone who expected to leave at any moment.

"You're good at this." Taiga chuckled as he observed Saeko's cutely furrowed brows.

"Well, I had to." Saeko sighed. "Most kids who played with me ended up with broken noses or cuts." Revealing a wry smile, she added, "I was much stronger than my mates." She then looked at Taiga with an apologetic smile. "Sorry, it's been hard finding someone who could match with me. I got over-excited and carried away."

"Nah, it's fine." Taiga waved away her apology with a smile. "This is the most fun I've had in years." He wound his right arm as he lamented, "Guess my body isn't yet used to this much high-octane fun for this long."

Saeko placed the final cotton bud in a bowl and then released Taiga, who had stopped bleeding. She then set the bowl on the floor and looked into the young man's eyes. "So, I've been meaning to ask. Now, that you've had time to cool down and think." She bit her lips in hesitation but then summoned up her courage and asked, "Are you certain you don't see me as a fre—mm!"

Taiga sealed Saeko's lips with a firm kiss.

Fireworks exploded in Saeko's mind. The young woman's eyes snapped wide in shock, and she instinctively jumped back. Or, well, she attempted to. Taiga clasped his arm around her waist before she could and then pulled her close. Saeko half-heartedly squirmed a few times before she then cursed, 'Fuck it!' and surrendered herself to Taiga's lips.

Taiga, however, suddenly pulled away at that moment. This resulted in a hilarious situation as Saeko puckered her lips to the air. "PUHA!" An unnatural sound rose from Taiga's stomach and then burst out through his mouth before he could control it.

"You!" Saeko's eyes reddened, and the young man's eyes watered with tears as she pounced on him and delivered a rain of punishing blows. Saeko's cheeks were blazing hot. Unable to contain her embarrassment, she took out her anger of the laughing asshole beneath her. How could he make fun of a maiden like this!?


Suddenly, Taiga grabbed Saeko's hands. His grin settled to a gentle smile as he warmly looked into her eyes. "You are not a freak. And, even if the world considers you a freak, then you will be my freak. We can be two little freakazoids together. What do you think?"

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