Chapter 241: Battle for Oni Hill Begins (Season Finale)

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Oni Hill

6:05 p.m. 17th Zelyr 1092.

6 Hours to World's End.

"What the fuck is that!?"

Crow, Sonic's General, exclaimed as he pointed at the night sky.

"Hmm?" Sonic followed his general's finger to see the black 'egg' rapidly growing in the skies above. Sonic frowned as he felt the immense power coming from that egg. Instinctively, he knew that was not something that should be allowed to exist.

'Sonic, that egg is a Dimension Gate to Razznik's world.' Sonic flinched when he heard Niye's voice in his head. However, he quickly adjusted and then listened intently to her words. 'You must climb the mountain and stop Skyrm's spell whatever it takes. I estimate you have about eight to ten hours till it's fully formed. Be quick!"

Sonic took out a small branch and then placed it between his teeth. He softly chewed on the stem and then looked at the Chaos Order troops ahead. It was time to decide how he would set up his troops to attack.


A ghastly roar interrupted the kafu's train of thought. 'Watch out for the undead.' Feeling a strong sense of foreboding, Sonic turned and then looked at the forest behind them.


Even though there was next to no wind, loud rustling escaped the dense forest. Rustle. Roar! Slowly, but surely, the rustling grew louder and more frequent. Dudududu. Sonic looked at the ground that had begun to quake. His expression immediately turned ugly.

"Brace yourselves!" Sonic shouted and then rapidly barked out orders. "2nd and 3rd Division, positions at the rear! Shield Bearers to the front! Mages, prepare fortification spells. 4th Division, prepare bombardment." Sonic paused and then looked at Crow. "Crow. Your division is with me. We'll provide support while pulling to the Chaos Order." Sonic cast a worried gaze at the massive gaping space at the south between his army and Brilith's. "Make sure we don't get flanked until we get the Order involved."

Crow chuckled as he took out a pair of black daggers. He licked a purple liquid of the blades' edges as he remarked with a sly grin. "Attack? Yeah, that's more my style." He licked his lips, a maniacal grin in his eyes as he looked to the bushes. "You think there are any fine mamasitas amongst the undead?" When Sonic glared at him, Crow chuckled and then said with a shrug. "Hey, don't judge, man. The dead can't file for sexual harassment." With those words, he ran off to call on his soldiers. Despite his frivolous nature, Crow always perfectly carried out any tasks he was given. It was for this reason alone he was tolerated.

Sonic watched Crow disappear into the crowd and then looked to the west with trepidation in his eyes. He wondered what decision Brilith would make. Frankly, he hoped she would also pick the slow and steady approach. If they worked together, the burden would be reduced.

Far across the plains, Brilith wore a stoic expression as she looked at the forest. Judging by the speed of the approaching roars, the undead army would be upon their army before they reached the Chaos Order. She glanced at Sonic's army. Even though his army was several kilometers away, she could see them clearly. As a result, she could tell what the kafu was planning.

"So that's Sonic." Brilith smiled as she watched the blue-furred kafu organizing his squad. "He's not bad."

"Hey, Brilith, what's the plan?" GrizzlyDiamond walked toward Brilith with his broadsword resting on his shoulder. He looked toward the forest and then at the Chaos Order's patiently waiting army.

Brilith once again looked at Sonic's forces. "They already made the decision for us." She clucked her tongue as she glared at the empty space between her and Sonic. That kind of massive chasm was a no-go in any army structure. It allowed their enemies to very quickly surround and then attack them from the sides. "We cannot charge alone, or the Order'll flank and swallow us whole."

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