Chapter 54: Self-Reflect

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Suvron's Pass

22nd Mazem, 1092.

Two figures plummeted towards the abyss that was the bottom of Suvron's pass: an area unnaturally darker than a night where souls were robbed of their sight. For creatures facing certain death, the doomed were strangely silent; only the sound of cutting wind pierced the still.

"Have you devised a plan yet?" Kira asked as she sensed the ground draw closer.

Kashi looked to his companion. The rushing air forced her chops upwards, her tongue all but wrapping around her face. He killed a forceful laugh and settled for a cynical smile. "I'm surprised. You aren't panicking."

"Should I be?"

"Well, it's the normal reaction, isn't it?"

"I do not see you in a state of panic, either."

He shrugged. "Well, I'm not normal."

"Neither am I." Kira matched the daeben's arrogant tone.

Kashi raised his shoulders in surrender. "It's time, grab on..." Even as he said it, he realized the folly of his words. "Sorry about that, how abo- OW!" He winced as she dug her teeth deep into his left hand. "This wasn't what I had in mind."

"It works, doesn't it?" Kira's voice sounded a bit too elated.

He grimaced. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

"What gave it away?"

"You... never mind." Kashi pulled his arm closer to his body, and she dug her claws into his clothes for additional grip. "Hold on tight."

"With pleasure," she agreed and thus sunk her teeth even deeper.

Kashi grimaced, but then formed a hook with his right hand, raised it overhead, and dug it into the cliff. Rumble! Debris scattered over his head as his hand broke through. It didn't stop his descent, but he began to slow down, his hand acting as a makeshift anchor.

Kashi and Kira eventually crossed the dark threshold, and he had to turn on [Dark Eyes]. Fortunately, by the time Kashi saw the ground, they had decelerated enough. He kicked off against the wall and then completed the rest of the descent in a curve that killed most of the remaining dangerous momentum.

Kashi softly landed, but then winced when Kira reluctantly let go of his arm. "Ugh. You don't hold back, do you?" Kashi complained as he examined the deep wound that had reduced his Max HP.

Injuries and specific status ailments could permanently reduce a summoned's HP. Most health potions could only restore a person's health points to the current maximum health points, which meant summoned needed to find healers or use first aid to treat injuries.

Only one option was available to the daeben.

Kashi took out bandages from his inventory as he sat on the ground. He treated, and then wrapped the injured area, a rare smile spreading across his lips when he saw his max HP begin to rise.

Kashi looked at Kira as he tested the arm. From the little, he could make of her expression, the direwolf definitely had no remorse. "You might as well have chopped my whole arm off."

"Who said I didn't consider it?" she replied, a deadly glint in her eyes. "But, I would have fallen to my death if I did. Even you are not worth that."

Kashi got to his feet and dusted his backside. "I don't know why. that shouldn't annoy me, but it somehow does."


Parallel (A Virtual Gamer's Story) [Vol.1 - Vol.4 Complete]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora