Chapter 58: The Name, Suvron

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Futility: The dictionaries describe it as the quality of being incapable of producing any result; ineffective; useless even. It is a word used commonly among the fine folk, even more so in trying times like these. However, only a handful know what futility really feels like. Most never know the hollowness, the worthlessness that assaults a man when he comes to terms with the fact that no matter how hard he struggles, no matter how much work he puts in, there will be no result to show for it.

Staring at the two roaring Hydra's heads, Kashi of the daeben, for the first time, felt his will crumble. His overactive imagination, which was usually his greatest strength, was now the stone that drowned him. Because he could picture his fights, he could see the outcome of this one. A thousand scenarios, a thousand plans, but no matter how many coursed through his mind, the result was the same inevitability: Death.


By his side, Kira suffered Kashi's distress. The daeben's depression weighed on her like a boulder hung from her neck. A low whine escaped her lips as she fought to withstand the pressure. For the first time ever, she realized the double-edged nature of their strengthening bond. She watched Kashi fall to his knees, eyes glued to Suvron as if mesmerized.

Kira hated it.

This was not the man she respected. This was not the man she feared. This was not the man she wanted to kill. This was not the man...

A deep growl grew from the pits of Kira stomach as she remembered. "Kashi!"

Kashi whirled around, stunned by the intensity in Kira's voice.


Kira's eyes burned, her teeth bared at her partner as she took a step towards him. "On the day of my mother's death, she gave me a mission..."

"A mission?"

Kira stopped and lowered her head to meet his, teeth still bared. "She asked me to judge you when I am strong enough. Can you guess what my reply was?"

Kashi rested against the railings, eyes fixed on hers. "You decided to kill me anyway, didn't you?"

"That was... is my decision."

Kashi's eyes had no defiance, no fight. "So, are you going to kill me now?"

Kira raised a paw and clawed away at his face. "I would like to. I very much want to. But something you said back then has always given me pause. Without once apologizing for my mother's death, you swore to do the impossible no matter how many lives you had to take. And you were not just talking. I have watched you pull off the stupidest, craziest, most hare-brained-"

"I wouldn't exactly call my plans stu-" Kira's snarl shut the daeben up. "Okay, go on."

"You have somehow always proved me wrong. So much so you had begun to earn my trust... But!" She edged closer until their faces were only centimeters apart. "If you wish to die here, I will kill you myself." Her voice was low and as real as the balcony they were on.


Kashi's lips warmed into a smile. He took Kira's head in his hands and nudged her forehead with his. He held it there a few seconds, and then whispered "Thanks. You saved me."

Kira pulled back and backed off a few steps. "If you have the time to thank me, then think of a way to get us out of-"


Kashi and Kira heard it at the same time. The peered over the balcony and realized why their little session had gone uninterrupted.

Both of Suvron's heads were trained at the red crystal. They were stiller than statues as they watched crack lines spread quicker and grow more prominent.

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