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Chapter 58 | Christmas p1


I wake up on Christmas day to the sound of loud childlike giggles and someone jumping on my bed dangerously close to my head.

Peeking an eye open, I see Sofia's small frame bouncing up and down excitedly. Her brown curls bouncing around her head crazily.

"Christmas! Belly Christmas!" She squeals loudly and I wince at her shrill voice. If my mom hadn't been standing in the doorway, I would have thrown Sofia off the bed already; firstly, for waking me up at this ridiculous hour of 9 am and secondly because of her use of that horrendous nickname of mine.

"Merry Christmas mija!" My mother cheers as I unenthusiastically roll out of bed, goosebumps raising up the length of my arms and legs from the chilly winter breeze flowing in through the open window where, at the same time, warm light is flooding through, giving my entire room a golden tint.

"Merry Christmas," I grunt, rubbing my eyes and raking a hand through my hair. Sofa places a chubby little hand on my shoulder before bending down and smacking a sloppy kiss on my cheek.

"Christmas! Belly! Christmas!"

I grab her little body and swing her around before gently dropping her on my bed and tickling her stomach. "Christmas! Sofia! Christmas!" I mimic her as my baby sister breaks out into peaks of laughter and begins to squirm.

My mom chuckles as she strolls over to us. "Bella hurry and get ready, some of the guests are starting to arrive," she announces, bending down and swiftly grabbing Sofia when she almost topples off of my bed.

I furrow my eyebrows. "Already? It's still early in the morning and I didn't even know we were having other guests."

She nods and shrugs her shoulders at the same time. "Abuela invited some people, now hurry and get changed out of those pjs!"

As I'm strolling over to my desk chair where I had laid out my new outfit for today, my mom sets Sofia off to the floor and she begins to run in my direction.

"Belly Belly Belly!" She shrieks and I scrunch up my nose disapprovingly.

"Mom can you get Sofia to stop calling me that."

"I've tried, " she sighs as my baby sister begins running around in circles so fast she merely looks like a little blur of red, the colour of in the dress she is dolled up in.

"I don't even know where she learnt that ridiculous name from but she doesn't stop."

I press my lips together and immediately send a glare in the direction of my window, the one that is opposite to Lucas' room.

After grabbing my clothes and my towel, I begin treading over to the bathroom, my mom tapping my ass to usher me along faster as she heads into her own room to get ready. She has already done her hair and make up but was yet to put on her outfit. Sofia on the other hand, is already dressed up in a tiny, red frock and had shiny, matching ballet pumps on her little feet.

I take a shower before blow drying and curling my hair slightly. I then get changed into the outfit I had picked out yesterday night; a black milkmaid skater dress paired with sheer black tights. I do a full face of makeup just because I don't want to look like a corpse today, layer a few gold necklaces around my neck, put on a matching bracelet on my wrist and a couple rings on my fingers. Once I'm done and satisfied with how my makeup turned out, I turn away from the mirror, trying not to dwell on my appearance to much and promptly step back out into the landing, the same time my mom does too.

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