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Chapter 71 | Getting ready


On the first day of spring break, I wake up to Lucas holding his laptop against his window, the screen opened up to a slideshow of little animated motivational posters.

On the first day of spring break, I wake up to Lucas holding his laptop against his window, the screen opened up to a slideshow of little animated motivational posters

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I've grown accustomed to Lucas waking me up early in the morning so I'm not as grumpy anymore when he calls. That means that this time, I actually manage to muster up a smile when I see him at his window. However, I do tell him over the phone that he has to come over and help me choose an outfit, simply because he woke me up at 5:57 am instead of 6 am on the dot but Lucas happily obliges and doesn't seem to mind at all.

I decline the call after we say goodbye and pull open the window to let fresh air in. Bright light streams in through the glass, casting a slight golden tint across my room and when I look up, the sky is a bright blue with not a single cloud in sight.

The weather is beautiful today and I hope it stays this way over the next two weeks. We have lots of plans for the course of this break.

Seeing as how a couple of weeks after the break, exam season will begin, our grade has collectively decided to make the most of the short time we have until then and until we have to begin hardcore studying. This means that invitations for several house parties have been circulating round all of last week and Mia, Grace, Dylan, Aidan, Lucas and I have created a whole agenda of everything we want to do within the next two weeks. Mostly it consists of planning and getting ready for the huge joint birthday party Grace and Aidan are throwing next Tuesday, attending all of the other parties taking place this break and simply hanging out at Millie's.

Dylan and Mia had taken the responsibility to write everything we were planning to do in immense detail on the back of Mia's math homework worksheet that day we had been talking about break in Lucas' house early last week...the day I had also told Dylan and Aidan about my eating disorder.

Yep, I had gone through with telling them.

I think it's important to point out that telling the boys about my disorder had been an experience to say the least.

It had started off...unexpectedly and the whole beginning to finish had been shambolic.

Overall, it had gone a little something like this:

Me: *nervously returns to the living room after Lucas and I finish eating hummus* "Erm, Aid, Dyl, I need to tell you something."

Dylan: *glances at me curiously then to Lucas standing behind me, then back to me, then back to Lucas then to Aidan sitting on the couch also staring at me curiously*

Aidan: *gives Dylan a look*

Dylan: *gives Aidan the same look back*

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