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Chapter 92 | A blast from the past


It took another day of bed rest before Lucas and I fully recovered from our cold.

Fortunately for us (note the sarcasm), we had gotten better just as school had opened up again.

The first day back had been exhaustive as always, it had felt as if the student body had barely even taken a step into the school building before the teachers had begun nagging us about all the exams that were coming up shortly. As expected, the school day had dragged on but it was finally over.

I wouldn't be heading to my home, to my bed just yet however, as with school open, it also meant that the mentoring programme Lucas, Mia and I had signed up for was starting up again too.

Our session today would begin at 4:30, but it had barely even been 3:30 when we had left school so the three of us had decided to take a visit to Millie's to kill some time before then.

Lucas and I were seated at a corner booth at the diner, near to the jukebox that was blasting an old 50s tune through the muffled speakers. Mia was seated nearby at another booth, locking face with Sammy who she had dragged here with us.

"Oh God, shut up, this cookie dough has undoubtedly just cured my eating disorder," I moan through a mouthful of biscoff cookie dough, probably spraying crumbs everywhere across the table. I swear my eyes roll to the back of my head the moment the sweet flavours of the desert burst onto my taste buds. That is fucking delectable. God bless Betty. This particular item was new on the menu and she had demanded that I try it the moment I had stepped into the diner. Words honestly can't describe how much I love that woman.

Lucas raises an amused eyebrow, smiling into his milkshake. "Let me get a bite," he says, trying to snatch up my spoon.

I yank away my plate and the spoon clangs back onto the table loudly. "No! Get your own!"

"O-okay..." he raises both palms up in surrender, eyes widened, the amused expression on his face growing at my reaction but he does indeed, retreat his hands back to his side of the table where they belong.

Lucas turns back to his own desert and takes another leisurely sip of his (bland) chocolate milkshake before gazing back up at me again. In the time it takes for him to do this, I have devoured the rest of the cookie dough.

Yeahhhh, I think Betty laced my food with an addictive.

"Sooo..." he grins with a mischievous eyebrow as I try to scoop up every last crumb on my plate. "It's my birthday soon, what have you got me?"

"That's a secret," I mirror his expression.

Lucas pouts. "Don't I get a clue at least?"

"Nope," I shake my head. I try to keep my face schooled as I think about what I have planned for him but I can't help the slight smile that tries to peek out.

"Ah." Lucas points at my lips. "You're smiling," he states before his eyes light up. "You've got something sentimental ready up your sleeve haven't you?"

I scrunch up my nose. How he can basically read my thoughts I will never understand.

"I'm not revealing anything, sorry," I lift my shoulders in a shrug.

He tries to persuade me with puppy dog eyes. "Give me the littlest of clues then."

I shake my head. "Nope. Now stop trying to pry."

"Please?" He leans his cheek onto the palm of his hand that's resting on the table.

I copy his stance. "Nope," I return, enunciating the 'p'.

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