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Chapter 86 | Reading book porn together


"I made this for you," I say, extending my hand, the beaded bracelet I had just made sitting in my palm. Isabella glances up at me, my voice breaking her concentration as she pauses to smile, her eyes flicking down to the blue, purple and pink bracelet clutched in my hand. With the expression on her face you'd think I just offered her the moon and my heart catches in my throat at the sight of her, the wind deciding to brush through her hair at the exact moment she reaches forward to take the bracelet out of my palm.

"And I made this for you," Bella copies, grinning up at me again once she's slipped my bracelet onto her wrist, wiggling the pink and yellow bracelet she's holding between her fingertips, "but it's not done yet."

"You're so slow with making this," I quirk an eyebrow gesturing to the two other bracelets sitting on the picnic blanket beside me, "I've made a bracelet for you, myself and abuela and you're still on your first."

Isabella narrows her eyes at me, "Well it's not my fault you're abnormally fast at making bead bracelets." She pauses to cock her head to the side. "I honestly can't wrap my mind around it, especially with those fat fingertips of yours."

"Hey! I do not have fat fingertips," I gasp, narrowing my eyes as I lift up my hands to inspect them before meeting my gaze back with Isabella's. "They are perfectly normal sized."

"No." Bella states pointedly and turns her focus back onto her bracelet back in hand and begins beading a yellow coloured bead onto the elastic thread.

My eyes narrow further. "Excuse me Izzy, what do you mean no?" I lean forward and grab one of Isabella's hands. The force causes her to drop the bracelet and a couple beads fall off the thread. An annoyed exhale escapes her lips and she looks up to glare at me.

"You made me drop my bracelet!" She whines as I bring her palm up to mine.

I ignore her and line up our hands. "Look," I say, "I don't have abnormally fat fingertips, you just think so because your fingertips are abnormally small."

"Hm, I disagree," she pulls her lips into her mouth and shrugs her shoulders but I catch the playfulness in her eyes.

I shake my head and grin, linking our fingers together before tugging her forward so we're barely inches apart. Isabella's still sitting on her knees but my pulling has caused her to lean toward me slightly meaning I get a lovely view down her front. A lovely, lovely view might I just say. The pendant of the chain she's wearing dangles between her breasts and that sight alone has me salivating. Once I'm done ogling for a hot second, I re-meet Isabella's amused, that is now slightly charged with heat, gaze and it reminds me of what I was about to say. "Whatever," I grin, my voice dropping slightly seeing as she's so close, "you know what they say, big hands equals big-"

"Yeah, don't finish that sentence," Isabella interjects, not even giving me the chance to continue speaking when her other hand cups my cheek and she presses her lips against mine.

"-dick," I ignore her although the word comes out muffled against her lips. In reaction, Isabella kisses me harder to get me to shut up and I happily oblige, relishing in the taste of her mouth as our tongues mingle together; Bella tastes like blue raspberry slushy and I firmly conclude that it is now my most favourite taste ever.

But much to my dismay, Isabella pulls back before I even get to fully appreciate the kiss and pats the side of my face before sitting back down in her seat and continuing making her bead bracelet without a second thought, like she hadn't just been eating my face half a second prior.

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