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** chapter is not really edited **

Chapter 69 | Little them


"Why does he keep looking at you like that?"

"He found out I read smut and it's spooked him out so he won't stop staring at me like a creep."

Mia cocks an eyebrow. "Spooked out?" She asks, side glancing at Lucas who is standing a little further away from the both of us and in the middle of speaking to a teacher.

"Yeah," I snort, nodding my head. "He can't even make eye contact with me without burning pink," I pause to roll my eyes. "And at the book shop yesterday - the guy became a fucking broken record he would not stop saying 'you read porn'."

"No way,"  Mia's eyes flare in humour and she bites back a laugh. "He's that weirded out by the prospect of porn?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Why? He's a teenage boy, he probably jacks off to it every night, what's his issue?"

"Exactly," I say just as Mia turns back to stare at Lucas, her head cocking to the side as she analyses him.

"No Bells...I think it's something else." Her eyes are narrowed as she says this and she begins shaking her head slowly.


"Yeah it's definitely something else."

I'm about to ask her to elaborate when my attention gets drawn onto Lucas who, at that moment, turns his head, undoubtedly staring right at my direction again.

He locks eyes with me for a fraction of a second before he quickly averts his gaze on realising he's been caught staring; his cheeks, yet again, flushing pink.

"Oh my God."

When I look back at Mia, I watch as realisation floods across her features and he mouth drops open to form an 'o' shape. She flits her eyes back and forth between Lucas and I fast and my eyebrows draw together as I eye her weirdly, wondering what she's thinking.

"Oh my God," she repeats in shock.

Mia looks at Lucas one last time before turning her focus back onto me. Her lips slowly tip into a smirk and a gleam begins to shine in her irises. She shoots me a knowing look and crosses her arms across her chest, suddenly looking smug as hell.

"What?" I ask again, eyebrows still knitted together, still feeling as confused as ever.

Mia jerks her thumb in Lucas' direction. "He so wants to fuck your brains out."

I don't know if she means to do this, or if it's just Mia and her incredibly loud voice, but her very frank and crude statement leaves her mouth in a decibel higher than what I would have preferred, attracting the attention of the people standing in our vicinity - adults, children and Lucas included.

My eyes fly wide open and I slam a hand over Mia's mouth before promptly dragging her further away from prying ears and eyes all whilst she begins to double over in laughter at her 'realisation'.

"What?" I hiss incredulously.

"He's so thinking about banging you mercilessly, that's why he keeps staring at you all weird and turning pink!" Mia squeals in between laughter, her words coming out muffled behind my palm.

"Mia!" I exclaim, eyes quickly scanning our surroundings. "You can't say things like that around here! There are children!"

I drop my hand away from her mouth when she licks my palm and a sheepish expression crosses her face.

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