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Chapter 1 | Coming home


Hauling my carry on suitcase in one hand whilst tugging on Sofia's child leash with the other proves to be quite the challenge.

As we walk through the airport, I try my best to ignore the odd stares being shot in our direction at the sight of my baby sister being heaved around like a dog, but her loud cries only begin to draw more attention towards us.

If this was me as a kid, my mom would've thrown the luggage trolley at my head but the youngest sibling always seem to get away with everything.

At that thought, I eye the luggage trolley that my mom is pushing before flitting my eyes back to my baby sister.

As if being able to hear my thoughts, my mother sends me a look. "Don't you dare," she threatens and I let out an exasperated sigh, massaging my temples.

I then continue my attempt in trying to shush the loud detests coming from my little sister, but that only seems to cause Sofia to scream louder. In return, I mumble a series of curse words under my breath as I'm filled with the urge to kick the damn child all the way back to London.

You know what. That's it.

Yanking harder on the leash I speed up my pace causing Sofia to tumble backwards, she falls back and lands on her butt and I take the lead, dragging her across the linoleum floor. She has a moment of shock before beginning to cry loudly but instead of screaming at her, I cancel out my baby sisters loud wails - something, unsurprisingly, I had to do often.

Oh how I wish I was an only child again.

I've reached wits end. Having just been on a 9 hour flight with a lack of sleep, I'm starting to become delusional.

The fact I have extremely bad motion sickness and an irrational fear of travelling on airplanes, did not help to make the journey any less uncomfortable, so all that I want to do, is take a long, warm shower and sleep for the rest of eternity.

Thankfully, just when I'm about to start screaming and throwing a fit in the middle of the airport, a short, elderly lady, shouting in Spanish and waving like crazy catches my eye.

"MIJA MIJA! OVER HERE!" She moves forward, showing people out of the way mercilessly, with a wide grin plastered on her face.

I drop my suitcase and free Sofia from the wrath of her leash before running into my grandmothers arms.

As she hauls me into a strong embrace, I melt into her, inhaling her sweet, flowery scent. "Mi amor, look at you, you've grown so much!" My abuela cries, after pulling back from our hug, a huge smile playing on my lips.

It had been too long since I had last seen my grandmother and I had missed her like crazy.

My grandmother was my favourite person in the entire world. Having moved in with my family after my grandfather, Emmanuel Quintero passed away mere days after I was born, she had practically raised me all throughout childhood when both my parents had been out working late trying to make ends meet.

Growing up, we did everything together; from baking, knitting and watching telenovelas. My grandmother was the most optimistic person I have ever met and continuously barrelled through life with a huge grin on her face, not once allowing her attitude falter, not even after my abuelo had died.

She instead continued to honour his memory by telling me countless stories of my grandfather (whose surname I had actually gained as a commemoration after his death) and the immense love they had for each other.

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